장음표시 사용
A. achiloae ΚIR. 3, a significant variation in the number os multilocular pores is algo common DANEIG, Ι9723, therefore is not justified to separate the specimens. The holotype with 10 paralypes are deposited in the Hungarian Natural History Mu-seum, Budapest, while 13 Paralypes a re in the Zoological Institute in Leningrad. e na med this new species in honour of the famous Soviet ento mologist GRIGORY
Meta MOIogica Academiae Scientiarum Hungarieae 22, 1976
Discussion of 29 Tarsonemid species hom the Ethiopian Region, with the description of 16 new species hom the families Sileroptidae, Microdispidae und Scut-acaridae, and the diagnosis of a new subgenus Cusiacarus subgen. n. i. Locality datafroni est Africa of severat European, South American and East African species.
Aeta Mologica Academiae Seientiarum mngaricae 22, I976
Acta MoIogica Academiae Seientiarum Hungarieae 22, I976
Aeta MOImiea Academiae Seientiarum Hungaricae 22, 1976
Acta MoIogica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 22, 2976
Acta MOIogica Academiae Scientiarum mngarieae 22, I976