Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 453페이지


분류: 미분류


Acta Mologica Academiae Seientiarum Hungaricae 22, 1976


The taxon Microgaster is One Of the oldest genus in Braconidae erected by LΛΤRE ILLE in 1804. The most recent revision Of the species of Microgasterwas constructed by NIXON I9683. Since LATRE ILLE, the interpretation of the taxonomicat Scope of the genus Microgaster WaS reStricted DOm time to time. At present, Microgaster S. Str. iS interpreted in t vo wayS. NIXΟΝ I. c. in includes the species of ΗΜroplitis ΤΗΟΜS. as a SpecieS-group in Microgaster. Contrarily,

a valid genus With iis 3 Europe an species. The distinction Os Microgaster and Hygroplitis, together With further genera Os MicrogaSterini Occurring in Europe, is gi ven in a key. Though NIXΟΝ Ι. c.) has deScribed Severat nexu species of Microgaster Dom Europe, 9 Old Species of Our continent M. campestris TOB., M. fusca ΡΛΡΡ, M. globata L ., M. hungarica SZEPL., M. postica NEES, M. nigricans NEES, M. nobilis ΗΕΙΝΗ ., M. rugosicoxa PAPP, and M. uliginosa TMOΜs.) were omitted in his revision. On the Other harid, Some Species, aSSigne lto it oti the hasis of their ΝW Europe an repreSentatives, are more Or leSS deviat ing froni specimens collected eis ewhere in Europe. These two taxon Omicalfacts motivaled me to elaborate a modifled key and to complete that os ΝΙΝΟΝ. Κey to the genera Os Microgasterini in Europe

Acta Mologica Academiae Scientiarum IIungaricae 22, 2976


Acta ZOOIogica Meademiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 22, 1976


ocellus half as long as diameter of an ocellus, hind imaginary tangent to anterior Ocellus always culting posterior two ocelli Fig. 14, in NIXON 1968: 423. Ovipositor Figs. 7-10. Microgaster auriculata FABR. i: head frona a bove, 8 part os right fore ving, 9 tergite Ι, 10 end of abdomen. Fig. 11. M. caris NIXON dita es. - Fig. 12.M. consors NIXON hirid cla v. - Fig. 13. M. crussicornis Ruthe hitid claw

Acta Mologica Academiae Scientiarum Hiangaricae 22, 1976


sentures ure characters of Microgaster. In faci, rugosicoxa represenis a transitionat form be- tween the genera Micrmaster and Hygroplitis, with iis strong sculpture On the meso notum scutellum and oti the third coxa.

Acta MoIogica Academiae Scientiarum Hungarieae 22, I976


miculate Sculseture.

sentatives of M. postica, except Usquamulis nigris .

Aeta MoIogica Academiae Seientiarum Hungarieae 22, I976


Scutellum punctate, ghiny, interSpaces rather bigger than diameter of punctures. Μego notum punctate, interspaces ruther equul tO Shorter than diameter of punctures. Mesopleura punctate, interspaces With microsculpture. Distance hetween fore and ahind ocellus shorter than diameter of an ocellus, hind imaginary tangent to anterior

shiny, only a long iis laterat margin ebly punctate. Me Sonotum rugose, meSOPleura Very densely and ruther coargely punctate. Ocelli sinati, distance belween fore and ahitid ocellus equat with diameter os an ocellus, hirad imaginary tangent to anterior ocellus not tOuching posterior two ocelli Fig. 19, t. c. 3. Ovipositor sileath a littie Iessthan half as long as third tibia. Only coxae blach. Τhird tarsus not fumous. Sternites


joint of antenna at least 1. 3 - 1. 4 times longer than broad. Propo deum scrobiculate Or

Acta MoImica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 22, I976


Acta MOIogica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 22, I976