장음표시 사용
ereas Agesilaus, heu unde the necessit os contrave in tho laws, o me a number of Cittiens,
1 ound out an expediunt whicli savod both th laws and the criminals must also reolion amon his politica virtuus his inimitablo boliavi our pon thereceipt os the scytalo, hicli ordere hi in to leave Asia in tho Oight os his success. Forte di not,
his sello W- is ipsen uni his rotation. A littis hilubet oro se thought it insupportabie to prolong the
ωderedita, and ali themther inhabitant , as his pris
ios the Gracchi, and thei aversion to avarice in their Leeping theniselves cloaris ali iniquitous practices intho hole coi se of thola administration But Agismight even have resente it, is any one ad commendediim sor notriouching the propert of Othera, sine ho distribute his hole substanc among thΘ citi gens os Sparta, hicli, besides other considerabio articius, consiste of si hundred talent in money. What a crime thon must uia just gain have appearedi him, ho thought it nothin tes than avarice topOMes more thun othera though by tho uirest titio lΙf, conside them illi respectri the hardinessos their enterprises, and the ne regulations theywantexto ostablisti, e hali in th two Grecians greatly superi0r ne of the wo Romans applied himself principalint maliing Oad nni colonisingtowns The oldest attemptis Tiberius was the dis tribulion of the public land and Caius nid nothinguiore extraordinar than the o ingrauiqua numberos the equestrian Ordor in commission illi the threehundred patrician u es. The alterations which Agis and Cleomenes brought
in to the system of thei commonwealth ere of adisserent nature They a a mali an partialumendment Was noletter, a Plato expresses it thanthe culti ossisne os the hydra 's hostiis, and there-sore the introduced a change that might remove ali
Sa that by removin the changes that had caused ali hei missortunes, thuy brought Sparta bach to lis fidit principies. Possibinit ma notis amis to add that the me fures tho Gracchi adopted were offensive to the grea est men in Romeri horoas ali that Agis meditated, and Cleomenos roughto boar, ha tho est and mOS respectable authorities o suppor it Umeanthe sanctionis Lycurgusis Apollo'
What is Mili more considera.o by the political
mensures of tho Gracchi, Rome ad not the least acquisitionis poweri territo G hereas, throughthos o Cleomenes Graeco a the Spartans in alituo timo hoc me master of Peloponnesus, andio tendinisor superiorit with tho most powerses princes of that ago Pand this illisut an other viow than to dolive Greec froni the incursions of the Illyria and auis, and put heri e more unde the proteC-tionis the race of Hercules. Tho differont mannor of the deatius os these great men appear uls to me to Oint ut a disserenc in
thei charactem. The Gracchi sought with their seu loW-citiaens, an beta de Med, purished in thelanight. Agis, ii themther haud suis almost a Volu tar Sacrifice, rathe thren that an Spartan Should lose his lisei bis account Cleomenes, hen insulted
ed with injustico an crueity. ut Deither of the Gracchi began tho civit War, o dippud his haud in
Gracchi must notio considere a an et os Owa dido, ut patriotic discretion. O the were under
upo it acu must unliappy circumstance On thoother haud Cleomenes, noto mention any more
his destroying the ephori, took an unconstitutionalsius in ensranchisin ali the Sta Vesci and in reality, he re uel assone, though, ο RV appenrunces, helook in his rother Euclidas as a parine in thethrone Who was notis themther fami ly that cluimoda right to givo on os the Lingsuo Sparta. Archidamus, Who was of that fami ly, and lia a much right to the throne , he persuade to return rom essene. In consequetice of thi he was assa in Med 'aud asCleomenes made uo inquir into lis inurder, it is probabio that he was ustly censured a tb cause fit. Wheroas Lycurgus, hom h pretendeda talians his altern freel surrendered in his nepho Cha
a son to succoed hi in the throne. 'Lis truo, Greecohad not produced an Other man who an e compared o Lycurgus. Wo have hown that Cleomenes, in the coum os hi govemment, rought in greater innovations and committed more violent acts of injustico Anythoso that aro inclinest censure the persons of whom eare ritim represent Cheomenes as, rom the iret, s tyrannica dispositio an a love of war. Tho Gracchi the accuse of immoderate ambition malig
them. At the fame time the .acknowledge thatthos tribunos might possibi bo carrie beyond thodictatus of thei native dispositioni anger, and thelieati contention, hicli, like A many hurricanes, drove them at last upon some extremes in thei administration. What could e more justis meritorio than their sim designoto hicli the would have a hered, ad no the ricli an great, by the Violent method the took to abrogato their law, involved them both in thos sata quareel the oneri defendhimself, and tho the t reve o his rother, howas talienissMithout any formis in and justice. From these obsereationes O may asil perceiVe