The beauties of Plutarch; consisting of selections from his works

발행: 1831년

분량: 200페이지


분류: 미분류



Both of them ero equali victorious in War, but Aristides miscarriud in the administration, beingi nishumand oppressed by the actionis Themistocles whils Cato though he had sor antagonist almos allthe greates an mos powersul me in Ome, hohept contending with him evon in his old age, lilio askil sui restier, always held his s oting. Osten im- peached besore theseople, and Osten the manageris an impellchinent, he generali succesede in his prο-

Secutionis others, and was neve condemnodiim-Self securo in that bulwar os isse tho defensivo and offensive armour os eloquenceri an to this, much more justi thren to fortune, o his uardiangenius, we may aseribe his maintaining his dignit un-blomistiseda tho lusi. For Antipater busto ei the Same encomtum poti Aristolle the philosopher, in What he wroto concernis him astur his death, that, amonilii Otho qualities, he had the ver eXtraordinar one os persuadingleoplo to whutever helleaSed. That the an os ovemin citie an Common-wealthiis th chios sexcollonce of man admitta novos ad sub Pand it is generali agr00d that the artis OV-erning a saniit is no muli ingredient in that excellen ce. Or a city, whicli sint a collectioni famulies, cannot e prosporous in the whole, utiles thosia milies that composesith flourishing and proSperoUS. An Lycurgus whun Ioianished old and silveritatos Sparta, and gave the citigens, instea oscit, money

veniences os lisu i this establishment of his it uin



But Aristidus by his indigetice brought a disgra conpon justice itsuis, ascis it were the ruin and impo erishment os families, and a qualit that is profitablu



sortunos, and therct receive public alms, and notone of them ntorta ined a sentiment,orthyis their

things render it impossibi to do any thing that is



ment, hecis miserabie.

it,a by no means necessar sor a man wlis, like Cato, could mulie a deliciolas mea On tumips, and


go his brothur stigmatized illi the hamoso crinio



Causeis thei extremo id age. And some emotions of tendemess ore duo ven to the tam domestio animales, whicli, running to the Stiore, illi lamentablutio lings, expressesthei affection and regre so the


thoemasteris them considerable profit or honour, may probabi not lourish in mean and insignificant towns. But virtve lili aratron an hard piunt, ill alieroo in an place here it canind an ingenuous nature an a mind that has no aversion to labour an idiscipline Thero re is ur sentiment or COnduet sal shortis the possit the oughtri reacti, e mi ino imputo it to tho obscurit of the place here e

Latin longue, On account of the public commissi s


PLUTARCH. 35ns toto astor of the beaut and fluenc os iis expressioris, illi iis figures, it harmony, and ali homilior graces of iis Structure, Would indeed e an elegantund greeable accomptishment . ut the practice and uincit requires ure more than have timo sor, and 1 must leave the ambition to excet in that walli



tion O the justico os Camillus, that tho immodi-