장음표시 사용
Cuiusda fidelis Christ1an ep1stola, ad christianos es, eos salubriter admonetis, at . ad poenitentia salutare adhortatis. Subsequitur' diui Augustini de miseria, ac breuitate huius mortalis uitae, sermo deuotissimus, ad mundi contemptu emcacissimus. Apud praeclaram Cantabrigiam. Anno XXI. Reproduce in mari Facsimile frem Aconstranown Co , in Me Bodisian Librav
ΤΗΙ volume containi Iha letter os inolesome admonitionan exhortation ador sed by certain villisu Christiant ali Christian eopte , a St Augustine' Discoum o the misery and brevityis human illa, o ascit is astemares headed On contemst so the wori and the destre so heavenlythings.' The lette is preceded by tendines os elegia verse addremedio manliind wam1n them to fleedrom the wrathri come Ontea A M os the lette the writer aster enumerating the Severat signs os in comin wrath, reserario the Ephemerides of Joannes de monte regio , a mos samous astrologer , - ha fixedupo in moninis Februar in the ear of gracerasa asine os specia impori ' certain conditions os in heavent constellations ould occur hichiointed to a change affecting the wholewori an every living thing greater than any et recorde in the histor of man. The authorit os contemporar me os science is also cited though no names are HVen.
Themiscoursei contemptrio the wori and the destre sorheavenly thingiis soliowed by a surine admonition to Christianseopte to ponder ver the uncertaint of this lis and therfittin subjecis sor meditation. The book loses it a dec stic os Ioannes Duncellus os Hammelburg addresse to the woridling.
Iohannmulier, o R Omontanus hommon ineae his place of birin Arch-bis p es Ratis mand one of the greates astronomers of his time, orno 36 died I 76. His alendarium Novum is belleve to have been the fini Mnanach that
s e Me indehte in Prosessor Adams so the sollamis note, as also so the listi in rore Glande' BGuorea te sereno- e, rho moris by -omontanus; et os E emeritae containing the ear Isa and aho book beari in the prindictions connected With Februar Isa .lmere rus in ac cereat conjunctio of the principia planet in theo It MFebruar Isa , When Venus, Iupiter, ars and Satum mere very nea to ac other, and emur mas ontra ut Im distant hom them. his a thought is the su logerario Portend many and great calamities, and e inaura great delum, a the conjunctio took place in the sim Pisces. do no belleve ho ever, that eoomontanus had predicte an suta conseque e of this conjunctionis the planeis me E emurides publiined by him appearnoteto have extended Myond the Daras . Iota Stoessier, Prosessor o Mathematimat Tubingen carried omine Mamerides to Isai, and heri faid is Delambre to have predicted a great deluge so the year Isa
I 7 . Norimbergae in V. Iohannis 4'omontani Ephemerides astronomicae, ab anno I 7s ad annum Is . 1 7s. Norimbergae in V. Ioannis Regismontani Tabula magna primi mobilis, cum usu multiplici rationibusque certis. I et6. Norimbergae in V. Iohannis Regismontani Glendarium Novum, quo Promuntur conjunctiones verae atque oppositiones luminarium et eclipses figuratae. I 8a Venetiis in V. Calendamum Ioannis de Monteregio. hardus Ratdest. id 5 Aug. I 84. Venet in Regismontani Ephemerides. I 8s. Venetiis in V. Calendarium Ioannis demonter o HOIL is . Veneti in V. o. de momonte Tabulae directionum in nativitatibus multimi utiles, unὲ cum tabula sinus recti. Dj0jtjZomby