장음표시 사용
hard ly allude to hydatids, whicli again are si ins and bullae containing Serum. In every direction in the series of the bodythere are sentiered glands, Whicli excrete and pour sortii liquids, and sharpen and rectisy the fame, to sit them sor adoption intotheir proper places, and sor supplying defecis, When the paris
in the Series, Whereuer Siluated, require reneWal. The glandsare Spheroidat forms, enclosed in particular membranes; enchbeing a conglomerate Of Other Amalter and simpler glands, alisurrounded by a Wel, and netWork of membranes, and formitigclusters Or groups of Whicli the larger gland appears to be madeup. Such, lar instance, is the case With the pituitary gland in the Sella equina, Whicli is en veloped und suspended by the dura mater, attenuated hoWever untii it almost looks lilio the pia mater. But not to specisy the severat glands, We need onlyrema rh, that the purpose of them uti is, to secrete menStrunsultable sor renovating the severat paris of the body, or to siterjuices, that Will readily and naturalty enter into and distetid the
Ceous, lacrymal, &c., kc., dissering in color, 8hape and use, Onaccount of the very disserent duties they perserm. But reSpect-ing the glandes We reser the reader to speciat anatomicat irenti seson the subjeci. The substance of the sat secroted froin theblood and other liquids, consisis entirely os conglobate portion S, and eaeli Os these, of membranous celis and loeuli. SO also thomarrow of the bones, and iis individunt paris, Whicli are more minute thun those of the commoti lat. TO say Dothing of the
The Animal Kingilom, considereii Anatomically,
Οuttines of a Philosophical Argument on the
Some Specimens of a Work on the Principies of
Chemisto, With Other Treatises. Τranslated froin the Latin, Willi Introductory Rematas, Bibliographical Notices, Index, &c., by CHARLES ED ARDSΤRuaeae, Member of the Boyal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. ΑndDedicated, by permission, to the Baron Bergelius, perpetuat Secreta tothe Royal Academy of Sciences of Stockholm. One Vol. , 8vo. , 21 Plates, comprising 159 Figures, I 28. Τhis Work contains also New Observations and Discoveries respecting Iron and Fire, and particularly respecting the Elementes Nature of Fire: together With a neW construction os Stoves. Anii a New Method of Finding the Longitude os Places, on Land Or at Sea, by Lunar Observations.
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Camena Borea, Cum heroum et heroidum factis
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