장음표시 사용
at thens for the anishmentos a citizen, the nam of the person to e banished eing
the umeri meet, propers mutuli
Paterfamilias, patris familiaS, . pater familioe, patris familice. Thomaster os a family. Paternu8, a, um, adj., pater. Os a sather, atherly, uter
Patien8, is adb. an part. Ῥα-tior. Αblo to bearis endure, patient. Patientia, e f. The power os onduringis Suffering PutienCe. Patior, pati, pa88us sum, dep
Paucu8, a, um, ad j Seo Pauci Paulo undia ullo adn. A litile, litile, SomeWhat. Paululum an Paullum, adv.,
Periculum, i, N. Dunger, huZars facere, ah triui. Perillustris, is, , f., per, illustris. Ver illustriouS.
Permanes, ere, Si, um, per, maneo. To tanto tho Dd;
Perscribo, ere, Si, tum, per, 8cribo. To rite, prepare in writing, rite οwn accuratelyan fully, writ down in fuit orat longili. PerSequor, i, quutus an cuius Sum dep., per Sequor. TO
Pertineo, ere, inui, entum, per teneo. reachis extend toto belon or periniurio. Perturbo, are, vi, tum, perturba. T distur greatly,
phalanae generalty consiste of16,000 meri. Philosophia, e f. Philosophy, the one or stud of wi3dom. Philosophus, i m. A philosopher: a loveris learning and wisdom. Pietas, iis f. Piety dutyoc
imp. placet, it leases placet Senatui, tho senato decrees; philosophis philosopher thinh.
Poenites, ere, ut, . O repent;
Pollicitutio, o nis f., pollices r.
Postridie, adv., postero die. The da uster, tho da sol low
Proeceptum, i, ., principio. Aprecepi, maxim direction, admonitions Ommund. Proeceptus, a, um, pari. Seo Principio. Proecipio, Ere, epi, eptum, prod, capio. To teuch, instruet; command lareSee, anticipale. Proecipito, are, Di, tum, freq.
communder PgOVeruor; Superintendent.
Proefero, ferre, tuli, latum irreg. rast. proe, fero. T cura be-forori reser. Proe scio, re est, ectum, proe, facio. To et ver investwith tho command OLPrce finio, ire in and ii, tum, prce, Fnio To determino ρ- foret, and Epam. Vii. limit, prescribe. Proelium, i, N. A batile, eugage-
Probis bilis, is, , ad j , probo )Probabie, lihelyri lauSible, uot contemptibio Cato iii.
Proditio, onis, f., prodo. A dis-
PROSCRIPTUS Proficio, re eci, estum, pro, facio. T do good, prosit, avult;
confiscationis One' esseCis, banishment. ProScriptor, oris m. Oue linproscribe or ulla s. Proscriptus, i m. Seo Proscrip
quor osten ta es the mea ning of the reor Uith hic it is connected thus, Prosequi laude, to praiseri honore, honori proe
Provideo, ere, di, Sum, pro, Mideo. To sereseo, Provide, furnishu provido sor, tali Cureos, provido gutust, beWare, Phoc ii Provincia, in f, pro vinco. Λ