Cornelius Nepos: with answered questions, and imitative exercises

발행: 1857년

분량: 423페이지


분류: 미분류


SUPPEDITO Subicio, re eci, ectum, Sub, jacio. Tolut unde oraelows subjeci, mahe Subject O. Sublaturus. Seo Tollo. Sublatus Seo Tollo. Sublevo, are, avi, tum, Sub leno. To ais orciis uri sup-pori, relieve, help. Submotus Seo Submores.




moro thun. Supremus, an Summus. Seo SuperuS. Surgo, re reaei, Testum, Sub,

Taciturnu3, a, um, adj., taceo. Silent, quiet, reserve peuCΟ-sul. Talentum, i, . A talent, eightor Sum o money. The Attio talent, hichris generally meant by classica writer8, he not

Tamdiu, adn., tam diu. So



visedly lightly indiscreetiy. Tempestas, utis, , tempus.

sar S.

Ter adn. Three times. Terra, I, , pl. Q. Three by three three. Terra, g, . The eurth, and ;

1 errestris, Terre8ter, S, e, adj., terra. Os the eurth, arthi 'terrestre eaeercitus, an ar



Traditus eo Trado. Trado, Ere, di, tum, tran8 do.

Tranquillitas, iis, j. Stiliness

Transfero, ferre, tuli, latum is, Teg. CL, trans, fero. To carry

Transfugio, ere, gi, gitum, trans, fugio. To fleo ver trtho ther sideri deSert, revolt. Tran8igo, re egi, actum, trans, ago. Tolarive or thrust through, Pierce, Stu, puS or Spend time

os protecting the rights of thepeopte against the encroach ments of the patricians. Tribuo, re ui stum. O give, grant, estoW alloi, Sign; ascribo, impute, Dat. V. Triduum, i, ., tres dies. Thespaco os three duys. Triennium, , ., tre8, annus. The pacem three euIS.



Triticum, L ., tero. Whoat. Triumphus, i, triumph. Triumvir, iri, m. treS, Uir. one os thre mei unite in ossiem a triumvir. There eretis rem arkubie triumvirates,

fata to Roma libertV. Thesii si reas compose of Iulius

witi, at the fame timori in tho

Unde adv. Whenee, Dom hat place, by hut me unS. Undecim, pl. f. indecI., unus decem. Eleven. Undecimviri, rum, . , undecim, vir. Eleve mon Athe nian magistrates, hora ad thechurge of the rigoris, and Superintende the zecution os malefactor 8. Undique, adv. From alliaris or



Utrobique adn., uter. On both sides, in both paris; Very-where.



Velum, i, N. A veil curtain; fuit. Velut adn. As, lilio as ascis.



Vestis, is, . A arment, robo,

Vestitus, us m. Clothing, clothes



VIRITIMMeSS, uppuret, ruiment fg.,

Vetustas, istis, f. Antiquit oldagori tengili os time.


vigilia, at uino 'cloch; tertiti vigilia, at idnight, c. Viginti, pl. f. indecl. Nenty.

Virgo, inis, o virgin maid




reood; and ence the a me Volumen, a Scroli or volume.

Voluntas, tis, , volo. Will,


Acarnania, oe f., a district of pirus, in Graecia Propria, extendingsrom the rive Achelous, o calle Aspro Potamo, to tho Sinus Ambracius, the modern Gulsis Arta. Ace, es, eo, o Acco, Culle likewis Ptolemais, a town os Phoenicia, in Syria, o the easter Stior of the Levant iis modern nam is

Achgron, is m. a rive in TheSprotia, a district os Epirus, hi chflows through the ah Acherusia, into a bu Culle Portus, or Sinus Glyhys the wee bay, frOm the weetnes of iis atera. Near this rivo was the ah Aornus, O Avernus, sui to exhule vaporis pestilenti ullas to kill bird that attempte tomyisve it Heno Acheron an Avernus have been eigne by the poets asa rive an latio of heli, an are sed likowis to signis hel orde ath, Diori. X. Actoei, rum m. inhabitant of Attica, called ancienti Acta. Adimantus, i m. v Athenia generat, choSen long illi Thrasybulus as a colleaguo os Alcibiades in tho Spartan war. 0 was de- Date by tho inhabitant os Cyme, hos lauditio had ravagod, and compelle to retur precipitatelnt his Ellips. Admetus, i m. ua in os tho Molossians, at whos cour Themistoclestoo refuge, hen, after bella banished by his countrymen howas accused os an incention t betranthem to tho Perstans. Adrumetum, or Hadrumetum, i n. a town in Africa Propria, severat miles to the east os Carthage. AEgoe, arum, o Edessa, g, f., uisit os Macedonia, here Philip Was

AEgo sumen, in Gree AEgo Potamos, the goat' rivor, in tho Thracia Chersonesus, at tho mouit, os,hicli tho Lace demonians, unde Lysander, obtatue a decisive Victor ove tho Athenians,