Lord Bacon's Essays, or counsels moral and civil

발행: 1720년

분량: 535페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


much Blood in them, a Was in those of the Antients. But it is no oesy the Dissiculi and Labour, ,hic Menundergo in finding ut of TRUTH nor again that hen it is found it imposes a Lindifflaver upon Men's Thoughis, that bring Lies in Favour; ut a Miurat though corrupi, Love of the Liei self ne of the later School of the


of aii dotii eve ad Plealare Dothan Maidoubi that is heremere talienout o Men' Minds, ain opinions, flat-tering Hopes, false Ualuations of Things, Imaginations a Pleas ure, and the like; but it would leave the Mind of a Numberos Mentoo dejected larunken Things, fuit o Melanchol an Languor, and


sear to go in the Darii And astha naturalinea in Childre is incre sed illi frightsul Tales, o is the ther alio Certainly the Meditation ofDEATH, a DE ATH is the age of Sin, and a Passage to another Lise, is plous and whois me; ut the ear ofit, ascit is a Deb of Nature, is eakandiain. et in Religious Meditations,



there is ometimes an Allo of Vanity, and of Superstition too 'Tis advis edin ome of the Friar Books that reatos Mortification, that a Massiould hinkwith himself, What the aliis, Whens ven the least Joint of a Finge is tortu-red; and thereb judge ho great the

Torment of A is, he thewhole Bod is corrupted an dissolv'd: When et D EATH many times passes with lest Pain than is fel in the or- ture os a Limb. For the mos vital Paris are no the quickest of Sense Andbylim that pallemni as a Philosopher, and natural Man, it Was,et sal Pompa Mortis magis terret, quam Mors ipsa Groans and Sobs, Convulsions Palenesto Visage, Friend weeping, Funerat Obsequies, and the like, these are the Thing that he DEAT A terribie. t is ver observabie, that there is no Passiono the Minys weah, ut it master and subdues the ear of DEAT M. Andthere re DEAT A is no suci formida-ble nemy, vice a Man has o many Champion about him, that an in the


peror ad flain himself, even ity whicli is the tenderes of Assections)provoked many to die inith him, out osmere Compassion to their overeign, and a the ruest sor of Attendanis. Nay, Seneca add Nicenesis, and Satiet ;Cogita quamdiu eadem feceris ; Mori velis, non tantum fortis, aut miser, sed etiam iustidiosus potes. Conside horu long yo have done theriam things; in an ould die, tho he were neither vallant, nor miserable only pon earines of oin the same Thing ove and Ver again. Non is it esse observabie, horuditile Alteration, in a generous and brave Mind the approach of DEAT mal es for hos Men bear the fame Spirit, even to thelas Moment. Augustus Caesar die in Compliment Livia, Conjugii Urime si vive, invale. liberius in Dissimulation;