장음표시 사용
simulation for Tacitus says thus of him; m Tiberium, vires incorpos, non diffsimulatio, deserebant. Vespasitan, in Jest foriasin himselfipo the Stool: Si puto, Deus o Galba illi a Semtencae Feri, si ex re sit PopuIi Romani; holding Orthiis Nec a the fame time. Septimaus Severus, in the dispalch fBusinest Adese, si quid mihi sat a
nem vitae extremum inter munera ponat
Thein reo ard thos that are Vithout the Church; the ollier thoi that re Within. For the former, it is certain, that Herestes an Schism are os allisther thesi eatest Scandals in the Church; hein even ors than Corruptionis Manners. Io as in the natura Bodb , Wounds, and a Solution o Continuity, are orse in Ain than corrupi Iu-mours socis it in the spiritua Body. So that nothin doth so much LeepMen out of the Church, and drive themout of the same, as Breach of N11v: And there re Whens everiit cometh totha passi, that one salth, Ecce in deserto; another, Ecce in genetralibus that is, while some en seela Christ in the omventicles o Hereticks; other in anoutWardiace of a Church; that Volce had need continualint, und in Men's
EarS, nolite exire, go notisui. THE
TA great octor of the Gentiles whos peculia Vocation and Missione Oinexhim o have a specia care of thos mithout seith: V an inde oran mathen an enter Iour Congregati
formit of the Thing. A great Masteros coning in his Catalogue of Bookso a eigned Library, amongst the est, seis do 1 a Boo with this ille, The
lich-Dances, and Gesiculations os Heretic s. For ver Sect of them has a certain ridiculous Posture, and Deformit os Cringe peculia tociis eis; hichcannot but move Derission in Libertines, and depraved Politiciis, ho re api to
nees into in ard Peace of Conscience; and it turneth the Labours of writingand readin Controversites, into Treati-ses of Devotion, and Mortification. rus to the Bound an Limits of UNI xv, the true and justilacing of themis doubiles of Xceedingareat Impori, a to at Things in Religion. An in
Peace ere no the alter, but Sectand Party. Contrari iste, certain Laodiceans ascit,ere, and luke-War Per- sons, thita the may accommodate
is, is the Potnis laini Essentia and
Fundamenta in Religion ere trul discerned, and distinguissae fro Potnis no meret o Falth, ut of Opinion, and good Intention estabiliued for thesake of Orde and Church-POEty Thisis a Thing that a stem to any a Malter trivial, an done atready Butis his ver Thing Were done es parti ally, it ouldie embraced more gen
searches and kno soli Heari, discerns clearly that rati Men in s me of their ControversieS, inten reatly the sarne Thing, and accepteth of both The Nature and Character of such Controversiesis excellenti expressedi St. Paul in thev arning and recept that he iveth concerning the same; void Irofane sellies of LVoris, and Nositions of Science falsel so caueae Men create tolliemselves Oppositions, hicli in truth
ametricali oppossit to ne nother, in Potnis Fundamentat. For Truth and
Iron and la in the oes of the Image,
ment, and to the Undermining the Authorit o Magistrates When et alllawfullower is the ordinanceis God. For his istut to dassa one able of the Laru against the ther; and iniuch Degre to conside Men a Christians, asto seem in the mea timerio forget that the are Men. Lucretius the Poet, Whenae et before him theis of AEgamemnon sacrificingitis o n Daughter,
What ould he have seid, is he had
know of the Massacre o France, rihelo der-Treason o England Certaint he would have been even times more Epicure and Atheis than he was. For a the Tempora Sruor is to edra n no rasely, ut With great Judg-ment, in Cases of Religion socii is a Thin monstrous, o ut it into the Hand of theleople Let that be test