장음표시 사용
Universit correspondeiice Collesse.
'Universit correspondelice collesie.
Postages are Pixon ali communication to the student so that hoc ni expens hocinei scis in sending, ut book post rate, his ans exsto the tutors, and in returning paper to the ForWardinio ilice.
number requiris the Same preparation They, OWevor ens ire him
nosses of a candidato Correspondene stud0nt have on great ad vaniuge ver ora students in their eas ut explanations solutions an remur is are committe to ritin g, and ea b studi est at longihior present pi poses, and reta ined Or future retere nee.
Th instructio is notinive sinapi by refers of Questions althoughthe paper of tho last stoon Examinations in eae subject have been
caretully anali sed the question classis sed, and where the presentrequirenasent ure tho Sume givon to the ludent to ansmer), ut a set
out in the onerat Mothodis Wor bolom. Notini is the pupil led tosi quire the requisit information, ut horis prae sed in tho best Way of shoWiniit to advantage in Examination. Genexa Method of Woxk. E ac meo the pupil receives a Schom of Study, hic consist of Selections hom ext-boolis, Distinetion o Important Potnis ponwhie stres is laid in his Examination. Hinis, Notos on dissiciat und
Universiti corresponde iace collesse.
dent are orked qui te individuali in them, and an si alienos quietanor lowl a destred A the ordinar Co se is designia
For in ii redditionat Subjeci . . . Compositio Foe tor uti Subjocis An ordinum Couo consist os ei ghteen lossons o sots of lossons in eue subjoci, in addition to Author Papors Inali subjecta stro bei talion it is generali bostri stud huis otio oeliand tho remitando tho
Universit correspondelice college.
'Universi ty correspondelice collesse.
Universit correspondeiice collesse.
Vlniversit correspondelice collesic.
Intermediate ris subjecis mill o admitte to this Coui se at th6
In Mathematic and Latin themonour Courses consistis hirty
Universit correspondelice collesse.