Publi Ovidii Nasonis poemata quaedam excerpta =: Selections from the poems of Ovid, chiefly the ...

발행: 1875년

분량: 311페이지


분류: 미분류


i a ple ire poem crast is to), inic is ive tho las in the present collacti m. 1ke mos es the literar me es Rome, he was no a natis of that ei ,3 beingior at Sulmo, in the countr of tho pol ni ab imo miles Dominome. The ear of his hirth, B. G. 43, was that o Cicero' cloath. His father, a manis respectabie fortune, remove to Romet ove his t. bos a cit education. Here the oun poetvas trained in the usual eo se of rhetori and orator' whichhe practised Min fiat succem, min sociar acto hol somes ordinate political omes. His father vas quite eamen toe in his destre toris literat career. But tho Math of hiseide brotherclest him vit fortune enouo for independence,

an followin his . stron hent vi hecame oon oneo the favoriis cour meis of the rilliant era of Augustus. Aster a career of great prosperity, he a suddunt' at theage of si, anishe to Tomi, a town on me hore of the Blachraea in the present Bulgaria. The cause of hisianishment caninlyae messed fro his allusion to the ange of

Virgil vas a native o Mantua, Horace of Venusia Catullus es Verona Propertius es Umbria, vi a Sulmo Cicero of Arpinum, Sallus es Amitemum, Iara os at rium in eminent,riter of this age, ovi Caesar Lucretius, and thunus mere bom in Rome But then Rome, Mesallyram est a politicassy, comprised the wholes Italy.


vi Ne me of Ovid.

the emperor at Some eisness, folini fauit, hic he sayshecis notrire t teli Some have thought he was indiscreet enouo is make love to Julia, the rilliant, Witty, and erraticdaurater of the emperor, de of the grave Agrippa others that he unsortunatelyanewrio much of som couri scandes, probabi connected wit Julia or her ill-fame an ill4aleddaughter; ther that Augustus, a public patron os morais,took offence at the omeWhat cynica indecorum o certaino his poems. At an rate, the emperor as ardenedagainst ali his flaueries an prayers, an after an exile fabout tenaearche die a Tomi A. D. I 8. Besides the poem represente in his volume, vi Wastho author of the Ara Amasoria and the Remedium Amoris to hic refereno hascius been inade , and of numerous

'Eletes,' includin fou hook of letters ritie in exile Ex Anso Libri iv. . As a poet, his fame is far below that of Virgillan Horace, deservedin since his loos and eaVverse bear no comparison With the elaborate finis of theirs. For anc an fine poetic feeling, hoWever, many of the Eteoes both in the Tristia an me mores - shoma Veines a good qualit Misither of his rivias; hil in absolute eas of handling the axtificia structure es Latin verse it maybe Gubted hester he has eve had an equat. His clites

facile fluent, ometimes, it must e confessed inordinatelydiffuse A the mos celebrate existin collectib of themost amous abies of the ancient orid, me Metamorfflores, in particular, mines the est os introductions to the obterand more difficuli verse of Virgil.


mri in s of Ovid. vii

I. HEROIDEM a collection of tWentymne elegies, heing letterschiessy mmcleassing heroines ' of the Homeric age. a. AMORES : brty-nine elegies, in three book miscellaneo , but chien amator o personat in thei topica. 3. ARS AMATORIA: three books, o the means of Winning an retaining the flections of a mistressa and 4. REMRDIUM AMORIS a Poem prescribing the means hy Whicha oolis passio ma be subdued These two poem contain the passages supposed toto excited the ange of Augustus. s. ETAΜΟRΡΗΟSEo Libri xv. The Mesamorfflores a stilluinnishe when vi vent into exile, an he committemit to the flames, apparently Wit his ommand Trist. i. 7. II, seq.); but coples ha been preserve is his friends. 6. FASTORUM Libri vi. a poetic Calendar of the Roman montha, stom Ianuarnis Iune, designe to he continue to the en of the year a storehous o Roman custom an Italia legend. 7. TRISTIUM Libri v. and 8. EPISTOLARUM EX PONTO Libri im elegies Writte in exile. Many of the letters implore the intercessionis stienda a Rome, to obtain favor stom Augustus. 9. IBIS, a poemi 646 versem riden in exile bitte invective

against some persones enemy. Io. ALIEUTICO LIBER I 32 hexameter verses, a fragmentarynatural histor of Fishes. II. EDICAMINA FACIEI a fragmenti Io elegiac Verses, onsterus o Cosmeti S.

The sonowinnare include in some collections of Ovid' poema, buvare probabi not genuinera CONSOLATIO ad Liviam Augustam : an eleg of 474 verses addressed to the Emperos .is o the deat of her son Drusus. Nux the NuNTree Vx lamentation o a Walnu tre by theroadside, at the crueities inflicted by Waylarem, and the vices of the age in genera

The -- me es, in thia connection, describes no the topic o sole of reaiment, butinis the versification, - hexameter vera altematius it pentameter mining the





TΗ Μytholog of the Greeis, adopte by the Romana,

Consista maint of two distinci paris. The firs is halcis technicali calle Theogony, the generatio of the oda,' and was put in the hape est known in us hymesiod some time besoreso B.C. Itiegan there is no reason to doubi missi rude personifications of the objecis and orces os nature, such as Mould enatural to a peopte os active intelligence, lives imagination, and childlike ignorance on est matters os science. The Sun the Damn the Wi s the Floods, are easti conceived a superhumanpersona. Some of the earlier abies are ardi an thin morema metaphors, o poetic mages, ut in the formis narrative.

That thera uncis figure M a hepheta, and the eecne uda hisssoch, Whicli are cauere by the win and gathered again is hisbeams, - very oldiit os Easter poeu' - e lingives riserio thestories of Apollo a the shepher of Admetus, and that hic telis the wesing of hia caule by the rome Hermes That the maiden Artemis gages With love o theolaeping prince Endymion, is hardlymore than a poetica wayis describin the heautila spectacle fa fuli moon rising opposite me sun at his ming domn. A easonos blasti raro hi an heat may have been describe by sayingina the chario of the Sun was rive sto ita eourse by the unSkillat, set confident bori hos sate is tot in the wil tale of


a introduction o Ae

os famil histor o persona adventures ecam me subjecto tales absolutet devoid o an symbolica meaning. In the System ound in the Gree an Roma poets, natur is sui of thological beius grouped a Subjecis in a monarchy - out the ne celestialis royal samit' hic has itis abode onmount

ater, D earin.

The other depaviment of mythologyd that wlth .hie,stis poemchiefly devia. Deo ista of the miracies an adventures scri dis these superhuman personη - a vast fletu, in Whic ancient fancyriote a freel a me modern lanc in movet an lair tales. Some of them ma possibi ho explesne as a picturesque Wayo recountin natura phenomena oris exaggerate tales of realeventa. ut in genera the aeem purob fictions of the imagin tion. In a very large proportlo the tine tho sormis metamo fh es that s transformations of men or ther creatures into


o association, - somethnes is hal eam mererat the mera artifice, a mingrio mata a coherent in e ut of the vas Macellanyat his comma .

Wit in primitive istichistic notion es a separate lis in

eum objeci, and the human ovi distoring in no essentia regard in theriis stat,mens in thlum, it Maa eas in imagina the spirites man, Maat, or plant a passi fisomine dWotannis another, sora longe or horte sta' Such a transmigratio vas, in lachimo as a me by tho schoes o Pythagoras se Metam. v. I 87 his against themiudo doctrine os transmigrationinto in very lis os other animais, the Gre cheld to the identityand continuit of the human ovi, hic aster deam ha it a de signe in the Lower Worlo. The mesamorsaosis, heresore,ia Myan o asiona miracle, notis rea meum Fchosis; li didno alter essentiali the ordinar eoursem human illa, ut onlymaris me intimate connection etwoen that and alie lis of externa nature or in a certain Wild, pictoria Way, showed the ortangs of human stateri in account is the firs creationis phinis an animais orither atrihing phenomen of the natural Worid. - aviar ater princi a lituo ista A,Musa , a mountain lege

To ove omething like System, order, an developmen to thlamoridis fabis seem is have been a favorite imis poetica compositio missi the ancients. his alm is parti religious, an partly scientifie, - 1s that an e calle scientifie hic oni filis ithlancies a void statis science et exista in fili Thus the The gony ' os Hesio groum together the myth relatin to the irinosiod an heroes misin a sortis pagan Genesis V in alam parti chronological, pars picturesque an poeticat This


is apparently the first attemptis human thought is dea systemati-

stition to reject the early fabies. The tities os severat Gree wotas of the fame hin are nown and Virgil, in the Stat Eclogue, put a simila son into the mout o Silenus. Annining like a real belles in these fabies hali sed aWay longbe re the time of Ovid. Η Was the popular poetis a sensualan artificia age, ho ound in theae creations os ancient san a Moupis subjecta suiled totis gracessit, ornate, an marvellousty facile styleis narrative, and who di no hesitate in alter ortaresa them umis sui his purpose. The metamorphoses V - Libri M. Memmorsis eon a Gree genitive, is the mos abundant a hic collectio of these abies that exista The are tot in adiffuse sentimentes, osten debase Way, hic contrast stronglymith the serious meaning that originalis longe to these myths; but are,onde uilffluent eas' and melodious in mei language, and sho. a kill of versification hic seems neve totali or eary. The poem egins it me sirs originis things rom chaos thesour age of gold, silver brass, and iron the delum sollowed by the gracem an picturesque versio of the tales of god an heroes,

with the apotheosis o Caesar, a the seque of the tale o Troy. The series purporis to e chronological but me mercis ostenarbitrar and the connectio force or assected a Would naturallybe the case illi an author res Fuersissimas in seriem unius corporis columnum Quinti iv. I, 77 . The mytholog of Ovid and the other Roma poeta a Greeli mytholog dressedis in Roman ames It is no necessar in remin the reade that the wries here tot relate to Zeus, Athene, Artemis, and the ther member of the Gree Olympus, and could neve have been attribute to the sober abstractions of the Roman Pantheon. evertheless, in commenting post Ovid, it is impossibi to voi making se of the ames in the samesens that he id, - the ames long familia in modern literaturo, hich too them sminthe Romans andio the Greelis.