Publi Ovidii Nasonis poemata quaedam excerpta =: Selections from the poems of Ovid, chiefly the ...

발행: 1875년

분량: 311페이지


분류: 미분류


I havo us received a copy sen is yonis mur Cicero' Soleo Orations,' mitti Whlch, o a firs an hasty inspection, Irim very much ploased. Teacher preparing student so the Universitro Michigamare informodinat the Gramma and Latin Prose of Mesars Allen and Greenough Willio regat dod a a suil equivalent sor an other Latin Grammarandiatin Proso Composition hitheris emploed in the preparator murae sortias Universi .

mssns. GIN BROTHERS: GENTLEMEN,-Αne and Greenouo a Caesar mas dubae ived, and has en examine Mimpleas e. I seem to mo ono of the best volumis ofyour claasical series, audi hi creditabis, both in the editor and the purulishers. The notes havo the fame excellent characteristic Whichiolongriotho notes of preceding volumes of the series, and are sumesently nil. I am greatly ple est,ithoour editionis Virgil. Tho notos armo thorio hind. Tho translations iso, avo no meret accurato in piant ofae lamiam but ara viso expresse in good idiomatis Englis an exeol-loneo muchao rare. It is in every Way a very attraetive edition.


nent sucoeas.


. Troin Bam 1 Mart. Pror or Latin in Trinit Oollam.

ALBANT, April sth, I 874. Aster sing mith elasses, both Harhuess and Androma an Stoddard's Lati Grammara, I examine caresuli Alle aud Greenough' Latin Grammari The syntax is masterj. Tho Woin tu ali iis paris, gives theresulis o the latest researches in comparativo grammar. Tho book is coinpleto, Without Meles delail. For the past year I havo sed this Gramma an Leighton' Lossons, and wit greater satisfactio thana have known in tho se of an other grammario book of exorcises in Latin Linos heartii recommoud themto ali earesul instructora in academies and preparator schoola. In a subsequent Later MiadauTho longer and more thorouoly - uso si inodWin's and Allen and mon-ouo's, the more deeων mare impresse Wit their species an remaris ablo fitnosa sor the Worcos a caresul preparator classical school.


ine other book orbour Latin and Gree series, namely, Good in a Grein Reador, Alien's Latin Composition Alle an Greenough' Latin Selemtions and Cicero, exhibiting est tho accurate scholarshi and thorough ad talion to ac o Wor Which, s ut expect rom thei distinguishin

As publishere, o deserve o onlyareat credit so the tu ment ouhave displayed in tho selectio of your editorial corps, but also in the accu- rac of the printing, and the generia character of the mechanical Work.

ovo's Lati Graminar an Leighisu's Latin Lessona With perfeci satissa tion. Besore subjecting the gramma to tho testis dati classisso I Wasgreatly ple in With the eviden is ripe scholarahi an lamiliari Mithiates resulis of philologica roseare Whicli it Morywhere exhibitod. Sincothen threo large classes have brought ut ita excelleneses in detest. Thorasson by Μr Letoton hoW his sit comprehensionis the qualitios of tho Gramma a med a the Want of beinners in tho uoblemati longue.