Publi Ovidii Nasonis poemata quaedam excerpta =: Selections from the poems of Ovid, chiefly the ...

발행: 1875년

분량: 311페이지


분류: 미분류


I9. Ennius, a Roma poet ae 29 B. C.): Accius, a Romanuuic poet d. bout IO B. C. . 2I. Varronem no the celebrated antiquar' but Varro Atacinus I. 8am. α), who translated the Argonautica of Apollonius Rhodius. 23. Lucristina, a Sublime me Mon philosophy Da. Rerum Iur in about B in sa).as Tityrua a character in Virgilla Ma Eclogue - frugea, the subjecti the Georgics. 28. Titiuuua a favorite poetis love of Ovid' - time. ovillaments his death Am ii. 9. 29. auus another elegia poet, contemporary of Ovid, viso reno nexas a soldier, in east and wφst Lycoris Ma the nam of hia

IO. Ityn, Soni Tereus, serve u in his by his de Progne. andae sister Philomela in revenge sor an atroclous crime. IS. Meuia Phoceua. Pylades, sonis king Strophius os Phocis, an friend of Orestes.


3. Farmeliis Me vives. III. S. I. maior Amorum, Venus. a. meta a conica pillar, o mal, at the en of the Circus, out which in chariota turne in the race of course osten gra2- incit. 3. Quo relates is QEgla Amoreo. - Pollant, se Lise. s. ordinis, Sc. queatri this mas an aristocrac of wealth in mea here it appearcto indicate a classis munir gentiemen. 6. multis tuinino referring to the amen aristocracywhic had sprun homine civit Ware. 7. Catuvo, a lyric poetis great merit, horaive ahout a generation hesore vid B. C. 87 . 9. oegerat in arma in the Socia o Italian War, . . o. His mas a revolt os the Italia antes, is orce οὐ me ane alit of politica rights. Is Amathunta, an epithetis Venus sto Amathus, a cit of prus. I6. Rum Elgna golde ear of grain. II. vigor Bacchus a sometinim represented missi horas,as a symbes of the wwers of natum it a clatefini his mystic morshim se Tib. i. I, 33. I 8. arcta maior: his refers to his underi ing greater Woins, - the Mesamorphoses and the Fasti.


67. stat m, lymices; - was killied in in naris fine Seven against hebes,' and huriemis his sister Antigone, contrar to the command of the tyi arat Creon. O. Suhurtiano the Roma tombs were long the fides of theroacis hic led rom the ci . . inuti inscrimiam limus motis Pso, , , 3 Q. 77. major in nimis R. predicate. 8 I. Eratia munBra uisis carrie to the grave of the depistin there a a species sestiva styled Feraria, celebrated Feb. I.


3 minur Menes in Thrace.

III. o. 3. BuPPoauum agrees illi mB, and overn atesila. s. Enai, a native of hrace so the others, se II1. 3, 6. 6. quam qualisies non igna. 7. mecti , inservening i. e. belmeen us and the Savages. 12. axe tremente, Me sole, poeticali represented a quivering wit the arthys eight. I9. laxa oia trouser mere unknown to Greelis an Romansuntii the came in contact wit Gaul and Sarmatians.

are o represente in art. 32. Tectunctatari, Mimmini


28. hortor toga, the oga virilis, the ordinar dres of a Roman genueman was assumerat about ille age of Sixteen, o the festival of the Liberalia, March I7. Besore this Veios ore theto 'Neuria bordere With purple. 29. Iato rivo this as a broad purpi stripe running manddown the front of the tunicis hody-garment: it was the marinos senatoria dignity, and was also give by Augustus to a specialbod of the equius - the illus res, --ho ere thus marke asbeing destine to the Senate an a political career. 3o. Stuctium, Iasu. 33. Primo honorea, Me fruisses of Aonor dis person could aspire to the hioer ossices uniit he had held certain lower positions. Theirst grade was usuali the vi intivirarus, o occupanc Ofine of the group of tWent magistractes this as a stemto the quaesto fhip but di no entille imo a seat in the Senate. The ossice hel by vid was probabi that os triumvir casualis police commissioner.

33. uria. Me Senas Aous as vid di no care o pursu a politica career, he exchange the ma senatoria stripe so the

44. Maoer he Wrote a poem nitros, heres, α not a line olwhicli is extant. 43. Proportina, an elegia poetis great merit. o. octauolo the vere member of the fame sodalitas. 47. Pontioua, Who rote a Nebaiae stere,ere more than onepoe of the nam es Bassus. So. Ausonia Horace himselfilaims

Principes Aeolium carmen ad Italos Deduxisse modos. Od. iii 3O. 3.33. His Se note Am. i. s. 9.ω. Corinna se note Am ii. 6 48 cit has been conjectured that he was Iulia, aughter of Augustus, and that thia intri ema have been the cause of Ovid'sianishment. 67. his, i. e. in Rome.


index re Proser ames. 73

phemus xiii. 88 .



ALTHAEA, is os Eneus, in os Calydon, mother of Meleager

AMPHION, o of Iupiter an Antiope, hushand of Niobe, ho is the power os music bulli the wallsis Thebes. AΜPHITRITE daughter of Nereus, mis os Neptune. ΛΜPHITRYON, Prince os Thebes, husband of Alcmene. ANDROGEOS, 'On os inoa, alati hy. themarathonia buli at