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has been triven after both in ancient and modern times; or, in ther ords ho Warfare, considered absolutely, and without referene to the gaining o an particular en d has been conducted in olde and in recent times. The vagines of the subjectris e considered reclude an hut the mos curso
glance, and any ut the broadest Viem for to uter intominute delatis and no arcis like another in very feature , Would aut hinde an arrivat at a right understanding of the great distingui Ahin characteristic of the tW SyStems. Mentio has been madem certain great opposin principies Whicli ave ver influen est and rent mankiud, and these
other states the miseries of War. Ancient and modern historie aliti furuisti us illi instances nor are e ut a lOSSto findri a Napole0n a parallel to the invincibi son of the Macedonian hilip Brien to mention ne O tW Other great objecis hiuli Wars a re aged to attain the nexi moti Veseem to e a destre O assertiti a superiority in fornis fgOVertiment, a generat nationat Suprema cy of ne State veratiother a destre hicli e to the continued artare hichraged in ancient Hellas, Win to the respective laim OfSparta a d Athenae No must, omit the ars carrie Onunde the nam o religion the mos cruei and barbarous thathaVe Ver devasta ted the orid a though the honour of
Delphi must e vindicate by the acred ar, o the fanaticism o Mohammed e forced o by the Word; asi the enthusiasm of the rusader rendered themoly Sepulchre more holy the hon ur of the Chureli called for theperSecutio of the COVena ters, O the majesty of the VaticanWas aVenged by the exterminatio of the Waldenses, and theres ined and siendisti tortures of themoly Inquisition.
natur of the subjeci, e come to the immediate considerationo thos characteristic Which have distinguished the ancientho the modern SyStem O Warfare. War suspend the rules of mora obligation, ' say an Englisti Statesman and trulfit Seem to give me an opportunit to et Gose their orsi passion 8, to gratis an appetite se crueli and revenge and yet there has grOWmuria certain codem laWA, OWhere ritien, noWhere Settied, hicli, to an extraordinar degree, influence ali ars though theyae atine most ut traditionat obligations. The rst par of Warfare hicli comes unde Our notice is liat mustae called, sor antis a belle appellation the legat part This Aeemsat irst a contradictio in terms that anything o completeblaavles a Wartare hould yeta bourida certain laWsa stillit,illa Dund to e rue that such laWA reatly Xist, andeXereiSe a ha been atreadymaid a mos materia influetice
And here e light upo a great distinction betWeen ancientand modern times. While, obe a b0d of usages hichhave been formed either by the instincts of humanity, motiveso political expediency, O the ad vancement of civiligation,
in orde to mitigat the horror of Warfare, in ancient times, O the contrary, unde the XiStene of a more rudimenta system, the will of the conqueror is to frequently Ahom toliave been the ni laW, and the meas ei resistanc he has experienced has to osten determined the meas e of Ven-
Ledius fori moment glance at the ancient system, and thencompare illi it the ne no purgued. t must e said atone that to the understanding of the rea natur os ancient War, e re far more indebled to the historia than to the writer o the Artis War ne hoWMus War ascit exist in
theory the therat Ves us the ster reality in the histor os Warrus it Wa carried ut in praetice. I. The laWs, o rights of conquest laim ur firAt con sideration and What a picture oes his open to us of the miseries of the conquerest in ancient time. These right Seem to have been entiret in the haud of the commander of the Victorious army, Who could AhoW ache thought fit, leniene or Vengeanee. ere he nraged at an obstinate resistance of abeSieged 0Wn, frequently ere the principia inhabitanis maSSaered, and the est sold into AtaVery the lave-marhetSof the ancient orid ere maint supplied isto priSoners of War Dor ad hos Who ere capture When sightini rtheir liberty aught to expect ut the mos degradin Servitude. History has made us familiar illi massa res like thut ofΡlatae or o Tyre nor can e regard them in any the light butis the neeeSSar conseque ces of the received ancient ideas O War What cati convey, V as has been ellia id, in liveller
these barbarous right o conquest Carthage and CorinthWere ea ch destroyed in the mos vindictive spirit; et Scipio and Mummius received like the thank of the Republic. What si histo thes right o conquest V is presented by the Roman triumph l All the wealth, the aris, the productS, of the conquerest nation the beauty and the brave i iis inhabitanis, the long long line of capti Ves, movin tu ad procession toWard the Capitol the prince ser hom they have fought, ali althe wel the pom an circumstance of the train f the Victorious generat Thantis ere offerest to the olympian Jove for the enflavingi a nation, and a demoerneyr oi edae ause freedom had been extinguished. Similar Wasthe coi se purgued With regar to the and of the enemy; Dot tity acit used to provide so the wants of the invaditigarmy, ut Was antonly devastate for the mere salie of devastatio . Such, in ancient times, ere the rights of conqueSt, right Whieli,ere not ni unquestioned, ut eresanctioned and recogni sed.
The gradual romth o civiligation and resin ement has Wrough a Wonderfui change in modern times in the law of War. ut his change has been a sto a the roWth filia civiligation hicli produced it Thus, in mediaevat timeS, Weiud indiscriminate laughterras uel a par of War a in the Roman Empire. The spirit o chivalry, in extendingmere to the weali, and Succouring the oppreSSed produced the rst great melioration. The principies of honou and truth,ere more regarded normas it deemed unknightly tospare the falle foe. There ere certain ules hich bound ali night of very country together, and preVented them Do any reach of good faith and honour Later, e findili barbarities of war greatly mitigated, and the efforis of the generat directed hiest toWard the repression of the spirit os tunder This Was jspeciali Manilested in the
Wars of the fifteenti and sigieenth centuries; especiali in the ars in France. Later stili came into operatio the Sy8tem os requisitions instes of that o indiscriminate pliander. And without oin minutet into the etails of the gradual alterations hiel, modisiest an mitigated warfare,
Besore e passin to the secondionsideratio ,-the influenceo religious observatices in ancient and modern artare,-One
It is undecessar to go into the etails of navat lam; susside it say that in his branch of Wartare, ut litile
known to the ancients humanit again Xert great OWer, and that commerciat enterprise, hi elicis no So essentiat tolli prosperit o a nation is interrupted only A far ascis necessary formationat honour. Havin considered generalty the principat iam os ancientand modern arfare, e pas on to the consideratio of the in uenc O religion in ars, a regard the eremonia and devotionat riteS. II. The eremoniai and religiolis par of Warfare constituted o important a portio of it in ancient times, as Orende the laWs en rced by it almos the only ones strictly observed by the belligerent poWers. And therei ore theseritos might eli have been include unde the head of the clam si Warsare, ' had it 110 been or the important eature Whicli must be noti ed in modern ars, the direct and indirect influetice of Christiani ty,-Whicli recludes the bovebein considered separalely, ac the laWs of Wartare.' When We conside the pantheistic orshil of the ancients, hi cligaveri ali nature, to arti, and heaven and ea, o sun and stars, and light and darkne8s, the attributes of Divinity,-We do not Wonde that here hould have been an deities
whicli, by reason f the igh spiritualit of the Christianreligion, could neVer have a place amongS US. Ho important in time of War a the Roman fetialis V Andient historians have related the solemn Observatices of the Roman tialis hen a proclamation O War a made thei imprecation O the enemy thei solemn praye to Jupiter theiraWful denunciations of War, and ire, and laughter, pro-
δ ore speciali Livius and Varro.
arms. Nor a this ritual confined to declarations of War; the fetiales Were alike important heri reaties ere concludeqandieae ratis ed and the old Whicli religi us observandeshad on a nation hich Was in armos cruei and Vindictive, may be een by the hori sentence of id Latincla summingum the power of the fetialis, EDERUM, PACIS BELLI,
Again the influence of the mens observed by the augursWas of the greates importance, and ad immense eight onthe Roman army the observations of irds, thei singingand thei stirat, the ossice of the pullarius,' Were allaighlyesteemed and this last a s important, that i the sacredohichen refused to eat, a batile might e delayed, and the
Whole coi Se of the a consequently altered. The ea e, Minister fulminis, ' Was auspici ous, and the wl inauspicious and by uel signfiid ne of the reates of alinations determine n matters of the eighties importaneel These mens ere like prevalent among the Greelas andamon other of the ancient states; ut the rie mentionalready made Will e sussicient to ho ho Wide and hoWdee Was the poWer o rite, and omen, and eremony, RS prsilude to the desolation o Wartare. But a time ore on, and the Christian aith sigan to exert supremacy Ver the face of Europe traces of Auchritua gradually ecam les an les distinet untii, at thepresent time, non of thos indispe able formalities a theyWere considere in ancient times exist amongstos But
observatices to conside in relation to modern artare,-the
Christia creed, itfel pre-eminently the Gospei os est e. What influsine has the Christia religion Xerted on modernwartare But the answer o his question, a give byhistory, oes no Ahow this influene to have been ery great. The religion of the Gospei albet it be ne of mercy-has not made the multitude of men more mercisul the religiono love has no made men O at eas the majorit of men, more ovi g. Christia nations have o been celebrated fortite iidnes of the warfare the have aged nor haVeChristian generat AhoWn mere to an nem in Virtu Ofthei faith. The Hol Sepulchre, that pledgem reconciliationto ali mankiud has been trive se by 0hammedan and Christian with a violetice ill-befittin the olines of the place or hicli they ere triving and the armies of Napoleon ere reVengelat non the les that the professed obelon to the Christian aith. O litti avail, alas hilherto, has est the Christian religion in mitigatin the horror of
mere sor hicli the pray themSelVes.' III. The ex consideration hich ill occup us illnaturallyae the more immediate ne of the implements used for pi pose of Warfare and Durthly, as a reguli parti offuch use the discipline of the oldiery, in pas and present times These Wo head are so losely connected that it Will