Prolusiones literariæ quæ in D. Pauli schola aut præmiis quotannis propositis aut saltem honore dignæ sunt habitæ comitiis majoribus die maii XXVII. a. s. h. MDCCCLVII ..

발행: 1857년

분량: 92페이지


분류: 미분류


essentiali different Therapear, the ling the dari, the arrOW, common to ancient and mediaeva timeA the word and lance, used althe in pas and present Warfare suci mere the clites Weapon in an e gagement hicli,ere possessed by ancient armies. ut eXcepting the last tW of these, non of the aboveare USed amorigAt u and we have instead the dreadfui singine

Os unp0Wder propellin masses of iron illi rightla vel0cit against the enemy. Nor must the alteration in the System o attach and defende of sertissed places the catapultand altering ram, directed against the massive alis of an ancient town differ idelydrom the ho and sheli pl0ughing the earthen, und whicli form the hie defence of modern fortresses. And lieno arises that noted differetice etWeen ancient an modern batiles Vig. that Whil in the ne caseeach soldier a dependent on the Atoad braver of his comrade and the eadi precision of his alm illi dari or javelin the individualit of the oldie is tost in the un- certaint occasioned by the eapon he Ses, causing at theline to e rolied in molle. V An aim annotae talien illi an preciSion by a modern soldier on a ieid o batile ; and while the discipline must be a greatos in ancient times toenabi hi to stand firmami the stor o bulleis, he oestio depend like the ancient soldier, o much n his Wnsteadines of aim to destro the adVaticinis e. The laughter in ne is a disserent to that in the ther; for hil anancient arm might de at the enem With ut litile oss, a pitched batile in modern times, illi the wholesale is theexpreSSion may be used Alangliter caused by heau artillery, mu8 cau8e great, though naturali unequat, os to itherside.


shorte by do ling the lain, an to in more an more tactios and shili in the 0Wer of inanimate instruments of Wartare. Doubiles militar science Will stillae require in the commander acto the lacin and the organigatio of his sorces; ut the sudde charges, the ridini rom placeri placeo the generat to lead hi me on to Victory the manaeuVringand counter-manoeuVring hich o prominently distinguishevery ancient fiet o batile, ill ec me los in the scienceo endeaVourinito place omeauge instrumentis Warsare ina position here it a destroy the reates number of theenemy. The et devotionis Decius Wouldaei lites avail, an individua promes Will ive Way, ascit has to a great

extent Hready done to superior scientific kili. In ne respeet, a to the amount O physica sussering 111flicted on an army the eapotis O modern times are perhaps

more humane. The har death-stingi the bullet is prese able to the lingerin agon occasioned by the spem nor is the ound e no fatal, is the tortur of the bullet o reatas the agged Wound ad by the dari or avel in Modem humanit has denounce the se of polsoued arroWs, illi justice cruel must e stat ind whicli ould inflictis lingering death by the subile veno creeping through the frame, and polsoning the lik-blood.

The se of mai and armo , O necessar and O effectio in ancient times, is no done Way With, as of O Vallio resis the superior poWer of the eapons employed forthe reast-plate and the cui rass, the helmei and the remes,

wil ill Met the toppage of the bullet in iis passage or ard


aridaravet have man falle in their nobi post but the iu- dividua soldie is uti in the mass, and is ut a partis agreat Ody, hicli, libell-ordered and well-disciplined is

irresistible. We have noticed, te by tep the Various haracteristies whieli have distinguished ancient and modern Warfare, in laWS, religiou ObserVance, eapons, and discipline it mill e ellio institute a comparison belWeen the tW SyStemS, RS a mean Sof udging hieli 0 the two e the more prefer te. Ne have Aee ho inchoat and rudimentar Were the laWso War in ancient times, and o the have been graduallydeveloped in modern While, on the ther and we have notieed o the eremonia observa ce of the ancients aredone aWay ith by the moderns It is doubiles more for thep poses of humanit than se anythin eis that uel laws have been framed though som have been dicta teda political expediency and theresere e a V the ad Vantage in possess- in a system hicli render Wanto barbarit almos impossibie, and Veti, is committed execrated by the voice of the whole civiliged morid ; and merent a fallen nemy, a far asjustice permit Us, S Ver referre t Vengeanee Again, With regis to the eremonia partis Warfare, e domo findiliat the ancients ere a Whit les barbarous ecause of their attention to ritua observances and We have by Our more mercissit law of War, and y curtat ling the eremonia parto it, orked far more benest, an prevente instea of


resistin partis the population. O thes seu method the

ancient Seem more generali totaVe adopted the two lalter, auditi modern the Wo former modern artare caresuli detiying the principies maintained in the las of these methods, principies hicli among the ancients had reat an universalpreponderance. The modern science of strateg has beeusai to consist in selectis s0me potnti militis o political importanee, o SeVeralis Such potnis in Succession, and direct-ing upo these potui a force greater than a be opposed tolt. That this is trusi has been abundanti proved by theeXample os a recent War, hicli discardin Spoliation, o any attachinno de noetes tostis, has endeaVoured by reduciti a Strongh0ld, o gain posSessioni territory. In the nex plaee, to conside the comparatiVe adVantage of the ancient and modern system o figlitin g, With respectri theWea pons sed, and the discipline maintained. The natural result of the more poWerfui etigines of Warsare sed in modern times, is naturally by accomptishing the destruction o an nrmy rue8S ooner than in ancient times, greatly to Ahorten the durationis War, and therebyrio mitigate the su

fering of the eopte enduriniit. Who oes notono thecondition to hicli a nation is redueed by a protracted aro


suel the miseries of a protracte War. Atid i modern sciencelahe bulla ea sto the duratio of the struggle it add tento the ad vaneementis a state, and is to e ranked far aboveat ancient praetiee. Or, again, a the law of modern arsere sorbid illago and rapine to a Vietorious soldie , and strengthen hereby the disciplinem an army renderiniit Deither excited by cupidity,

nor demoraliZed by luxum, e are able again to SSert Our Superiority Ver the ancients by a Stricte and more Wholectomediscipline of ur armie S.


Yedishould me e rong ere e to tos, in an degree any ad vanoement Whicli is made by the orld 0Ward that persection hicli it Will require an eternit to attain. ut me halifind that War has reatly advanced civiligation our ciViligation, and the civiligation o many nations in Europe, a forcedupo us and thema Roman arms; ut Who hallisa that tothis e do notimemur place in the an si civiliged nations γB War, far ostener than bydeace, has civiligatio been carriedio barbarous nations and possessions a India, acquired by conquest, me rapidi becomin through his means convertedi Christianity. That aris and Aciences are favoured rather tha depressed by War, and genius sestered, is evident rom the long lis of names that eaeli state cati homo thos Wh have flourisheddi in time of War, in comparison illi the se Who havedone hono to their count in time of peace se in War, itfeems that genius sired by love of count , eve scintillates the righter, hil in eace, the absence of Stirrin evenisfailso inspire men illi the fame degre of ardour and


We have thus see hos the horror of War, at thei heightamid the Romans have gradually been mitigated by a mi lder