장음표시 사용
EA BUS, HIERONYMUS. Dialogus de eloquentia. Undate i.
Girolamo Balbi, or Balbo, was a native os Venice, but lived most oi his lite ouiside oi Italv. In Ι484 he went to Paris. where he taught at the Uni versity. Soon he hecame widely known ior both his learning and licentiolis living. Like so many oi his fellow humanisis, Balbi had a quarret Soine natureand got himseli into violent controversies. In I 404 he published his Rhetor stloriosus, ridiculing Guillaunae Tardii, the grammarian. The book is writtenin the torna ol a dialogue, with Charies Fernand, Pierre de Courthardi, and Guillaunae Tardii as interlocutors. Tardii is represented as a conceited iool, whose poor Latin Style was fult oi errors. In reply, Tardii the following year published his Anti-Balbica, and used his influence with the authorities for thebanishment of the Italian, whose scandalous way oi lite was notorious. Balbileit Paris, Spent two years in England, and then went to Vienna as prolesSOroi the Latin classic s. However, he did not re main long in Austria. Where he spent the nexi sitieen years is uni nown. In 15Ι4 the King oi Hungaryappotia ted him rector Oi the College at PoZsony, and iour years later the Emperor Maximilian made hina bishop oi Gurk, in Carinthia. Both Maximilianand Chartes V had Oiten used his services Oia diplomatic missiones. His eloquence was naucli admired. He died probably in 1535. The Rhotor stlori Sus is a very rare book; a French writer on Balbi re- mari s that he could not finit a single copy oi it in any public library.