장음표시 사용
majori Coll. Rom. Societ. Iesu
The Defenta VPoese. and patience; somelimes in v that contentions soritisses,can et buta tristingviciory, herperchance
a man may see, that euen Alexander & Darius, hen
dunghili, ille benefit they Eoi, was,that the asteriiures may say, Haec memini o victu mura contendore Thirs . Ex illo Coradon, Coridon in tempore nobis.
Oris it the lamenting Elegiac , whichin a Linde hean Goaild inootae rather pitti e then blanae, Whob aileth whii the great Philosopher Heraclitus, the wealienesse os mani inde, and the wr ched ne illa os the world : Who staret y is to bee prat sed either sor compassionale accompanying iust causes os lainentations , or sor rightlie painting out how weake be the passions of omlnesse t Is itthehiner biit hole me Iandun, Who nibbes thegassed minde, in making in me the Trumpet os villanie, Willi bolde and open crying out against
naught inesse i in the Satiru , Who Omne vafer τι- , Gumsidenti tangit amico , Who spori ingly, netrer
any belloider tabe content iobesuch a one. NON Mas m Geometrae, the oblique must be knowne as wenas the right, and in Arith-tis , the Odde as weli asthe euen, so in the actions of our ii se, ho secili not ,
nature, nos ner feeth thesen en play theic paris, but wimeththem in Psinum,althoughperchan e
that he sedili not himselfe to dance the sanae mea iure: herio Iet nothing can more Open his etes, then tolae his o ne actions contempti bly set sortii. So that the right vis os Comaedie, Will I thinhe, by no bodie heblamed; and much te se os the high and excellent
' dicat proceed in g,teacti more persemythen the Po-et, I et do I thinke, that no man is so muchasto compare the Philosopher in mo ing with the
But this is to no man biri to him that will readehim, and reade him xv illi attenuiae stridiotas patia-. fui nesse, Whicli constant delire, hosoeuer hath in
Magnae BRITANNI ae,Franciae,3c Hiberniae REGIs, Fi DEI DEFENSORIS,
Maiestati tuae nuper cum Pontificeta, non' Dm de Iuramento Fidelitatis 'quam de Iure Regio contemta Lis ; Sereni Potentii timeque Princeps;) cir , in ea, quisquid aequudi rerim δtimator mes expect i, ves expetat, prolixὸ iam a Te cimiatilequepraemium est. I iam 9 Tria .
plicem illum dignum Te inice Nodum adactis Cuneis tuis plani perrupistis e , qui in pari Tecum Ascrimine me Principes, idem hoc aestare, quanti eorum interss. faterine monuicti. Non enim ni Tibi: Regibus, Principibus, ordinibus, qui per orbem Christiana in in causa hae M. Imna, quaestionem molle Pontifex. Atque Hiamplanὸ piaeritur; Hiram ciuili, m Citidi adminiitrati. onesua ius liberum 'fit, an precarium : Hora fundamentis fluisset , an potius ita incertum fit, atque obnoximi Pontifici, em isthu ainboritatereti, subnemari . atque alio demum