장음표시 사용
we hal say of Him, Heris ou estate. Or e re ad that the Ps.16,5. Lord is the portion V m in herilanco. Grand thing, Brethren, e re both His inheritance, an die is urs Seeingillat, both culti vate His service' and He culti valeth us'. incolimus
LXIV. frui Dyon the word of tho Gospei, Luk xvii. I thyarother hali si against thee, rebuke him, Ac touching the remissionis sinS. Delivere at the able os t. Cyprian in the preseno o Gunt Boniface.
famous Jolin, and an Evangelist, he homoli Lord Christ
foryiro, and O What thou sayest. e thallie in hi PIIJ erS, ii 4n losos tho bene fit he seselis : e that te in his prayers, both lose his cause, and si nil his punishment Ani is any onuites to the ora peror, hucis convicted of his ii at his coming: but whun thou ius in prayer, thou by th very Prayer artconvicte d. o God oes no solli sor Witnes a regariis the to convici th00. He ho dictate the prayers to thee, is thin Advocat is thou liest, Heris a lines against thee: