Sermons on selected lessons of the New Testament

발행: 1844년

분량: 513페이지


분류: 미분류


which hinde ali men, ho decline to come to this supper λLet iis look into them, discuss, sin them ut but oui that W may beWare. In the purchas of the sarm the spiritis domination is macto out theres ore prid is rebukod Formen re doliote to have a sarm to old, to posses it toliave mei incit unde them, to have dominion An vi vice,


itio have been enough, H have bought ox seni' Somoth ingbeyon doub there is, hieli fit A ver obscurit challelagosus to Seeli ut undoinderstand an in that it is si, ut He exhortethis to knoch. The sive airs fixen are the senses iii os this body. There are numbered sive senses of this ody, as sanown to ali and the who it inu be domo considerit, ill do ubilos perceive it on hesin rem inde os t. Thero are theticio und orae sive senses of thisiodv. In theeyes is the si glit, the earing in the ars the mel in thenose, the ast in the mouili, the toti h in ali the members. We have perception os Whi te and blach, and things colourediu hateve way light an darii, by th sight. Harsh and musical oundS, e have perception of by the earing. fgwee and offenSive molis, e have perception by the meli. O things Woet an bitte by the aste. Os things ardan sost, sinooth and ough, arua and colit, heau and light, by the ouch. The are sive und theb are pati s No that the are airs, i Seen mos easti in the case of the thres


. . LXII.


But there came no thithser the rich, and the hole, hoWallied, a the thought well, and sa incutely Who ad great considerace in themselves, and were there re in themoro desperate case, in proportio a the were more Proud.


I. Uu diit is to give to ther ille admonitions se havere cotve ourselves. The recent lesson os the Gospo has admonishodis to mali si iend of the mammon o iniqui ty, that theyrio ma receire thoSe ho do S into evertastino habitations But ho are thenthat hali ave evertasting