Beispielsammlung zur Theorie und Literatur der Schönen Wissenschaften

발행: 1788년

분량: 673페이지


분류: 미분류


et danser pour vivre. Vous aveE parmi vous des girea satis comme uous, qui ont consenti . s'enterrer laus des montagnes pour uous lauruir des mἡtaux, ducuivre qui uous empoisonne peut-ἔtre ; Pourquoi Vo Iez-vous que des negres solent motus dupes, molnsfoux que des Europhens. . En accordant . ces matheureux la liberte, mais successive ment, comme une ricompense de leur ἡc Donate, de leur conduite, de leur ira vati, ayeg lain deles asservir k vos loim et . vos moeurs, de leur OMirvos superstuitἐs. Donneκ-leur tine partie des intέ-rgis . combiner: des productions . satre naitre, une conlammation analogue . leurs gosits ; et vos colonies ne mala querout pas de bras, qui foul ages de leurs chab nes , en seront plus actin et plus robustes.

homines convertis en viis troupeauri et ce Commerc

mon de vos forces et Vos projeis si lavvent concertis


de sa richessa et de se grandeur; c' est uti ennemi dugento humain qu'il aut d giruire. Porteκ cheg tui Ieser et te seu. Vos armεes se remptironi du saint enis thousiasme de l'humanitέ. Votis verred alors quelle disiaretice mel la vertu, entre des hommes qui teco uis Terat des opprimἡs, et dea mercenaires qui serventdes tyrans. Μais pendant que les ames sensibies ne peuvent former que des voeun pour une τεvolution qui feroit plus 4'honneur . notre sisiele que de noti velles dεcou- vertes fur te globe ou dans les sciences et les aris, Ies


And give salis vigo ur to the wealier cause, To p aint a specio us scene Mith nicest arti Retouch the whole, and varnish every Pari ἔ

When his salse longue, averse to Freedom 's cause, Profanes the spirit of her ancient Iaws.


tions as the deputy was plea sed to impose Mon stem. Tyrone Liuisetis made is pylicatio a by Arthur Mac-Ba zon, his brother, to be aeceived iapon ternas; hue J Ioui ijoy Would not admit bim, except he made aciat, soluist tamen der of his life and fortunes to the queen amercy. He apprared besore tho deptity at millefotiti in a habit anil post ure: sui tablo to his present fortulae; and alter ah nowledging bis o Isetice in the most humbio ternis, he wns committe i to custody by Mountionwlici intended to bring bim o ver captive into Englaud. to bo dispo sed of at ille queen a pleatare. But Eligabeth was no in incapable os receiving an rsatisnction noni his sortuitate event: She had fallesciinto a pio munis molancholy, whicli ali the ad vantagea of bor hi gli fortitiae, ali the glories of her prosperous Teigri, were u Dabie, in any degree, to alleviate orasso age. Somo a seribed this depression os mitid to hex Tepetita iace of grati ting a Psrdon to Tyrone, whom si oh ad always re Adved to bring to condign punistituentior bis trea latis, but who bad ma de such in te, est witticte miri isters, as to extori a remission nom her. Othera.

with more libet thood, accounte i sor hμr dejection. bra disco very. which she had made, of the corresponde iace maintained in her court with her successor tb hing of Scois, and by the neglere, to which, on account os her old age and infirmities, she imagined her-self io be expolid. But there is a nother cause assignea sor Ler melancholy, whicli has long been rejected by historia itis as romantie, but whicli late disco vertes seemto have confirmed: Some incidenta happened, whichrevived her tender ne is for Ellex, aud sit ted het withthe deepest sorrow sor tbe consent, Which Ihe had unis Warily gi ven to bis execution. Tbe earl of Essex. aster his return hom the fortunate expedition against Cadia, observing the increase


of the queens land attachment towards him, took . occasion to regret, that the necessity of her service re quired hi in osten to be absent Rom her person, and expolad bim to ali tho se ili ossices, which his enem ies, more assiduous in their attendance, could employ

' immedia tely, upon the fight of it, recati the formeetenderoeli, would assord him a patient hearing, and would lend a favorabie ear to bis apology. Essex not-withstanding ali his missortunes, reserved this pre-elous gist to the last extremity, but after his triai andeondemnation, he resolved to try the experiment, and he eommitted the ring to the counteia os Nottingham, .hori ho defred to deli ver it to the queen. The counis teia was prevalled on by ber husband , the mortaIenem y os Essem, not to enecute the commission; and Eliga belli, who stili expected, that her favorito would mahe this last appeal to her tenderneia, and who alari. hed the neglect of it to his invincibie obstinacy, was. aster much delay, and many internat combata, pustea hy Teianiment and poticy to sign the warrant for his execution. The eounteis.of Nottingbam, falline intoschness, and assected Witta the near approach ol deat was Diged with remoria sex her conduci; and havingobtained a visit Dom tbe queen, ne craved her pase 'don, and revealed to her the latat secret. The queen,


despondency, and which, though they disco vered her


of an Europe. Thare are sein personages in histo

who have been more exposed to the calumny of ene mi es, and adulation os friends, thari Queen Eligabeth ; and yet there Icarce is a ny, whose reputation hasbeen more certainly determined by the unanim ova consent of posterit'. The unusual tength or her administratioti, and the strong Datures of her Charactor, were ablo to overtome ali prejudices; and , obliging lex detractors to abale much of their invectives, and bis admirers lamewhat of their panegyrics, have atlast, in spite os political factions, and what is more, οξxeligious animosities, produced an uniform judgmentinith regard to her conduci. Her vigour, her constancy, her magnanimity, ber penetration, vigilance, and address , a re allowed to merit the highest pratias, ' and appear not to have been surpassed by any personwho ever filled a throne: a conduci lese rigorous, tessimperious, more sincere, more indulgent to her people, would have beeti requisite to form a Persect character. By the force of her mind, she controiled ali her mora active and stronger qualities, and prevented them Dom tining into excess r her heroism Was exempt Dom


more digeiat eircumstanees, and none ever conducted

The same of this princeti, though it has sur-mounted the prejudices both of faetion and of bigot yet lies stili exposed to an other prejudice, which is

more durabie, because more natural and whicli, aciis


are apt to he struth with the hi gla est admiration of herqualities and extensive capaci tys but we a re also api toxequire sonte more so siti eis of dispositiora, iam e greater lenitu of temper, tame of thoia amiable wealitiesses, by whicli her sex is distia, guilli ed. But the trυe method of estimating her merit, is to lay asido ali thelo

.considerations, aud to consider her mei ely as a ratiora al

gOVern metit of man Lind. Ve may siti l it dissiculi to reconcile our sancy tober, as a Wise or a mistreia; but her qualities, as a Iovere ign, though with sonte considerable eXceptions, are the objects of undisputea applausu aud applobation