Beispielsammlung zur Theorie und Literatur der Schönen Wissenschaften

발행: 1788년

분량: 673페이지


분류: 미분류


cbaralleristri merben. The first of out society is a Gentiemari os Worcesteris nire os ancient descent, a Baronet, his Nam e Sir Ro-ger de Coveri y. His great Grandiather was Inventor of that iam ous Countrydance, which is called after him. Alt who know that sitire, are very Heli acqua int-ed with the statis and meriis of Sir Boger. Ne is a Gentieman, that is very singular in his Behaviour, buttiis singularii ies proce ed Bom his good Sense, and are Contradictions to the Manners of the Worid, only ashe thinks the worid is in the Wrong. However, this Humour creates him no Enemies, for he do es nothitagwith Sourneia or Obstina cy; and his heing unconfinesilio Modes and Forms mahes him but the rea dier and more capable to plea , and oblige ait who know him. Whon he is in Towti, he lives in Soho-Square. It isti id he heeps himself a Balchelor by reason he was crossed in Love, by a perverse beautilat Widow of the nexi Country to him. Besore this Disappotniment, Sir Ro-ger Was What you eali a fine Genti eman, had osten sup


tioned Widow, he was very serious for a War and ahali; and though, his Temper being naturasy jovial, he at last got over it, he grew carete se of himself, and

ger is a Justice of the Quorum; that he filis the Chaleat a Quartor Session with great Abilities, and threo Monitis ago gained universal Applause by explaining a


sto od by him thati Litileton or Cooke. The Father

great deal of Wit. This Turn mahes him at orice both disinterested and agreeable. As Lew of his Thoughtsare draruti Rom Businoia, they are most of them fit fox Conversation. His taste of Books is a lites e too just foethe Ago he lives in; ho has read all, but approves of very lew. His Familiarity with the Custoins, Man-ners, Actions , and Writings of the Ancients, malios him a very delicate observer of what occurs to him ita the present Worid. Ηe is an excollent Critich, and tho Time of the Play is his Hour os Busineia; exactly at sive he passes through New-Ιnti, crosses thro' Ru Tel Couri, and tahes a turn at Wili's illi tho ΡJay begitis ;ho has his Shoes Obbed and bis Periwig po de red atthe Barber's as you go in to the Rose. It is for thes Good of the Audience wheti he is at Play, for the Actors have an Ambition to plea se hi m. The Persei, os nexi Consideration is Sir Andrein Freepori, a Marchant of great Eminence in the City of London. A Person of indefatigabies Industry, stro rigBeason, and great Eriperience. His notions of Tradciare nobie and generous, and as every rich Μan has


is Pleasanter Company, than a generat Scholar; and Sir Andreis having a natural unaffected Eloquetice, the Perspicuity of his Disco urse gives the fame Pleasure, that Wit would in another Man. He has made his Fortunes himseli; and Dys that England may be richer than other Hirigdoms, by as pia in Methods as he himself is richer than other Men; though a the fame Time, I can say this of him, that there is not a Potnt in

Next to Sir Andrew in the Club-Room sits Captain Seutry, a Genti eman os great Courage, good Under- stan ing, but invincibie Modesty. He is one of thos that deserve very well, but are very au kward at Putting their Taleuis within the observation os lacti as nould

tahe notice of them. He was lame Years a Captain,


nould be in the Decline of his Lila, but having everbeen very caresul of his Person and always had a very eala Fortune, Time has made but very littie Impression, either by Wrinhies on his Forehead , or Traces in his


danced at Couri, lach a woman was then smitten, another was talien with him at the Head of his Troop in the Parh. In ali these important Relations, he has everabout the fame Time received a hind Glance, oria Blow of a Fan froni so me celebra ted Beauty, Mother

os Talhing os his, do es very inuch enliven the Converinsation among us os a more sedate Turn ; and I find ther is not one of the Company, but myself, who rarelyspeali at all, but spealis of him a s of that Art of Μati, who is usualty called a welibred fine Gentieman. Toeonelude his Character, where Women are not concer .ed he is an honest Worthy man.


I cannot teli whether Ι am to account hi m Whom I am nexi to speah os, as one of our Company; for hevisits us but seldom, but when Le docs it, adiis to every Μan et se a new Enjoyment of himself. Ne is a Clergyman, a very Philosophic Man os generat Learci-ing, great Sanctity of Lila, and the most exact Breed-ing. He has the Missortune to be of a very weali Constitution, and consequently cannot accepi os su ChCares and Busines , as Preferments in his Functiori Hould oblige him to. Ne is therelare among Divines, what a Chamber-Counsellor is among Lawyers. The

Probity os his Miud, and ille Integri ty of his Lis

ali his Wistes, and Infirmitie