Beispielsammlung zur Theorie und Literatur der Schönen Wissenschaften

발행: 1788년

분량: 673페이지


분류: 미분류


foris qu'il est obligε de se Dire, et par les fautes qui tui


aut res D'en IouMerat pas moins, parce que c'est involontai rement que nous les falsons lauMir, noua leue devotis toujours pour Cea fautes quoiqu' involontaires, des encuses, des dedo inma gemens. It faut, quand laraison est revenue, qu'une politesse plus attentive rέpare Ies caprices doe l'hum eur. Ιl faut recon nolire sestoris; et prier ceux avec qui nous avons h vivre, danous supporter, at msime de nous mὰnager.



is like a Figure in Arithmetic; the more Ciphers bosta Dds besore, the more his Value amounts to. He is a great Harauguer, tallis himself into Authoi ity, and like a Patriot, climba with his Beati. He appe ars brave in the Head of his Party, but braver in his odia ἔfor Vaici-Glory leads him, as he dora them, and both many times out of the Hingys Uighway, o ver Uedges and Ditches, to find out Bye-ways and shorter Cuis, wbicli generalty prove the sui inest ab ovi, but ne verine nearest Homes again. He is in passio nate a Lover of the Liberty os the People, that his Fondneia turna toJealoula. - Ηe interpreis every Trisse in the worsi Seusoto the Prejudice of her Honosty, and is so suli os Caprices and Scruples, that, is lie had his Will, he would

have ber nut up, and ne ver sussured to go abroad again, is not made away, for hor Incontinetice. Ali his Poli-Hics a re speculative, and fox the most part inpractica-ble, fuit os curious Niceties, that tend ouly to preverit lature imaginary Inconveniences With greater real and pretent. Ne is very superstitio us of having the Forma


Suster. 39


Factor, that imporis Boohs of the Growth of one Langvage into another, but it seldom turn s to Accompta for the Commodi ty is perita able, and the finex it is the woria it endures Transportation ; as the most delieato os Indian Fruits are by no Art to be brought oVer.

Nevertheleia he seldom satis of his Purpola, whicli isto plea se bimself, and give the Worid notiee that ho

but a Copter, and theresere ne ver comes near the Μa

und render them, as our Translators do, they alWayssorbores