Zeitschrift für Keilschriftforschung und verwandte Gebiete

발행: 1884년

분량: 455페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


84 Theo. G. Pinches, Additions and Corrections to the Fifth Uolume

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of the Cunei form Inscriptions of Western ASia.

l. I 8. of the character transcribed as imo complete and two incomplete Wedges only are to he seen These cari not be any other than the usual cursive form of the Babylonian i , sor

tablet Containing explanations os certain tesxis heginning

l. 57. The SiXth Character from tho seni is writton in the original, and SeemSto ho intended for the Babylonian forna of Tho last character hui


86 Theo. G. Pinches, Additions and Corrections to the Uifth Uolume.

Rev. Obv.) l. 65. The last Character but ono in eaph division Ahould have an extra Wedgo,hsing intended for tho Babylonianform of this applies also totho last character in eaoli divisioncs. l. 633. The second Character Should


Assyriologische NotiZen gum Alten Testament.


Assyriologische Noti gen gum Alten Testament.


Assyriologische Noti gen gum Alten Testament. 93

anderem deri Feldgue Asarhaddons gegen Tirhalia bericlitet, aban H EJ