장음표시 사용
Three ear ago a large gymnasium, aluod at 35, 000, was erected. It is a ricli struetur of three storie an contain he- Side the gymnasium proper an auditorium illi a fuli e quippe dStage, muSie OOmS, and hall, Si recreation partOPS, ainting, type ritin and athletic Ooms, and ali modern improvements-bath
t undortalis the difficultrias of recting this institution, hichias
monials of the Catholi Church. Never, Owevor, in the histor of Nortii Carolina nay, of the whOle of the SOuthland has the ceremonyo Tuesday, October 18 been clipSed. he reaSOn thereiore Sunique in the annals of Catholicit on his fide of tho Atlantic. Pope Pius X has spe fit to confer On Right Rev. Abbo Haid O. . . D. D. O Belmon Abbey, a Signa prOO of his personalregar and of his hearly approva of the work of the Abbot-Bishopin his almost twenty- sive ears administrationis Catholic affair in the old Norti State. his honor is nothin tes than the officialerectionis Belmon Abbo into an ' Abbati Nullius V or Calliodrat Abbsy, havin iis O n domain and jurisdiction here in subjectisnlyto th authorit of themoly Father himself. The ceremOny os ueS-day a consequentipon the Officia promulgation of the papa do-
husi fellis tho assomble multitudo the weet trains of the orchestra brOke ut into the Festa Marchos silently grandi the