장음표시 사용
Aelf the menta picture i a Oble Sanctuary, and therein a io altar of the mos devotional and artistic pauty, littering ith amyriadis lighis, eaV With the fragrance of OUntleSS OSe S, and beauti uti decorate dispilli poste planis flan that sanctuar Ontho lest,ith in throne of the eelebrant, an on the right illi thethrones of the assistin Bishops malae gor Ous the picture by in- eludin the ricti re an dioid vesim nts of the celebrant an his
dei fuit distinet, very or fallin separate ly on the earin , it Was a pleasure to listen to the language of Cicero, ea by the eloquent abbot. The re adiri of the document finished the ApostolicDplogate pat an honest, glowin tribute to the Benedietine Order Takin for his subjeci h life an labor of St. Benedici, he drow in vivi color a picture of the times and the conditions underwhieli ho aint live an labored, and the wonderfui sue es Withwhielimo ha bl esse his efforis. The humbi beginningsi Subi