The Tripartite Life Of Patrick With Other Documents Relating To That Saint, Volume 1

발행: 1887년

분량: 479페이지


분류: 미분류


uniuersa Christi ecclesia eJquo misteria ad Jfuclidum 15

prosecutua est ut non eum si putes de futuro uatici



Tho Holy Spirit, ins Spirit stat is nobior than any spirit, to Wit, the Spirit that inspired tho Chureh, both of tho Oid Lam and of tho New Tostament, mitti thograco of Wisdom and prophe , it is that Spirit whlehspako these Wordes throuo the molith of the prophet Isaiah, son of Amos. De cujus laude Hieronymus dicit, that is, in presse him salth Saini Jerome this : Quod non rum dicendi est prophetα quam evαrigetistre, to mit, statit is meeter to cali him an eVangelist than a prophet, because of the cloarnem and tho fitness whoromith hotoid fissings of Christ. Im enim uniτe α Christi Ecclesiaeque myster si M lucidum prosecutus est ut non eum putes de futum inticinari, sed de praeterito historicim dicere. For mi in such cle noss did lis set sortii est tho mystorios of Christ and tho holy Ch oh that ovory one deemed that he made, nos a prophecyof things future, but a relation of things toregone astor

ambulabat, Vulg. habitantibus in regione umbrae mortis, Vulg.


a. I, 2.

' squa aisneis sechanodaschJtai .i. Populus qui sedebat in tenebris uidit lucem magnam. In popul desid indor-cataid aleondatre sollisi m6ir. Is h6, immorro, lothataobi in t aisncissi lasin talin codsi inorbuiri romi 5 Primo tempore alleusiJata est f5. a. 2J terra Zabalon et terra Nophalim,' conid sorstichi nambriatharsin rorat diu scd WΡopulus qui sedobat in tenebris uidit lucem magnam. In popia desid indorchatαid Meonnatre sollisi mdir. Iuxta historiam, populus Israel captus ab Assi- 10ris, in tenebris captiuitatis sedens, uidit lucem magnam, id ost radios redemptionis, Hestram, Nehemiam, Iosue ot Zorobabel et caeteros duces populum ex captiuitate ducentes. Mad tarstάir cip indetis popetu Isra0l sin robatandorcatald na dat re Asardai Moondatre sollisi molis 15

mobiles in malo. Is he in suido liberar doib .i. ambithcobsaid nemcumscaighthi inhuic. In regione,' id est in campo Sendάr ubi est Babilonia. In ferarid, im- 25-ONO, an apstr am bith, mag Sennis Sin, ocus is andata in Babiloin. In umbra mortis,' id est in peccato os in tomplis idolorum. In ioscad bais, immorro, anapar am bio, pecad ocus tempul idia ocus arrachi. Iuxta nero spiritualem intelligentiam, populus gen- 30tium, qui sedebat in tenebris ignorantiae et peccati. Mad iM stans, immorro, is6 f5. b. IJ liberar hisund.i. popul na Mento robάi andorcatald pocaid ocus


os Israel, Who came out os the Assyrian capti Visy. Et sedemtibus in τegione et um α mortia tuae orta

est eis. They that mero dWelling in the land and in thoinadow of doath sound a great light hom Whenes cametheir illumination. Sedentibus, id est stabiles, quis erant stabit et immo deου in malo. Τhis is the sitiing that is sald of them, namely, their being fim sand) immovabie in erit. In regione, id mi in Campo Sennarubi est Babylonia. Nom, tho land in Which it is saidiney mere dwelling Was tho plain of Sennar, and therein standes Babylon. In una bim mor ilia, id est, in peccato et in templis idolorum. But the shadow of doath in

temples of idols and images. Juata vero spirituadem intelligentiam, populus gentium qui sedebat in tenebris ignorantiae et peccati. Ηο-boit, according to the spiritual meaning this is What is


aneolaia anallana. Et in regione, id est, in uoluntate humana unicui usJque dilicias cordis sui proserente. In serand, im-orro, hirabat , oirfitiud iis folle doonia inala. Et in umbra mortis, id est, in peccato. IΝ Τ cad irrabuis ann, dorcata spectatJd insin. Vidit lucom 5 magnam .i. Mooriniarc sollisi m6ir i.6. lucem Christi et apostolorum euangelium praedicantium. Ititsollisi asc--ων .i. sollisi Crist ocul nanapstia ic precept Soscela insin. Ipse de se dixi4 Ego sum lux hmundi: qui sequitur mo non ambulabit in tonobris.'' η 10

Et de apostolis dixit:J Vos estis flux mundi. ' Et

Christus ergo uera lux est qui illuminat omnemJhominem uenientem in hoc mundum: apostoli uero lux illuminata a Christo. Christus est lux sine initio : apostoli vero lux cum initio. Is sodsithbir ciat- 15bermala comad Di Dia Alberta sollisi intisit. Ar it-

intuito doman. Nox enim erat in mundo usque dum Christus, qui est sol iustitiae, radios suos asperati in mundum, id est, apostolos et sanctos Su Jcessores o 20- rum. Ustir robat dorcata mor ocus temel tar eridhibhnungente cύn co roscail grian na frinne, i.o. Isu Crist,


lay great dar ess and gloom over the hearis of the heathen untii tho Sun of Righteousness, Jesus Christ, scattered his radiance throuo tho quarters of the globe toenlighten it throuo his apostles and through his stants and just men, and also through their holy SucceMOra. One, then, of the mys and of the flamos Which tho Sun a Righteousness, Jesus Christ, sent into the worid he rv and the flame and tho preci ous stone and the


y See Ducange, s.V. Archipre In marsis: de fonte signato ister. crucis figura. . Hindemthur, R.


he Was bom, When any one commita perjury under ii, Pours sorth mater as is it more bowalling tho falso testimony. But is his cath bo true the stone remat in iis proper natum.


antequam inter bonum et malum nosuJisset discernere et uiam ueri taJtis postulJsset indagare, sicut ipse in Libro Epistolarum dicit, inquiens: et miserius eat adolescintie et ignorantie meae.1 Et custodivit moantequam Scirem eum et antequam distinguerem δ 5 inter bonum et malum; et muniuit me et consolatus