장음표시 사용
has happenin With most of tho oriant eompositions in Old and Μidvis sein, an extravagant age has been claimed for tho Tripartito Lise of S. Ρatrich. Co an, tor instance Tricia Th--ωπα, pp. 117, 169), attributos it to S. Erin, supposed to have flourished in tho midvis of thosixth contu . His reason is that Jocelin, a monk of the olose of the twelRh centuo, sus that this Erinwroto tho Aeta S. Ρatricii partim Latino, partim Hibemico sermone ': the Tripartito Liso is Writtenparily in Latin, parily in Iristi : theredire S. Evin Wasiis author good specimen os an undistributod middio
other argument Whicli Colgan mea in support ot
tions severat ancient inints, ecclesiastica, and Virgina asstili existing. For instance, Sylvester and Solonius sp
is oeta, ju0 in such a place means no more than thalino relica of the holy one referred to are preserved in that placo, or that his or her memory is there Veneraled. rius the statement in p. 52 that Fiaco Vis in Sisibist du,' corresponda vith the statement in tho Book of Amao insta, p. 283), 'cuius reliquiae adorantur hi
a compilation of the ninin or tonin centurn and Dr.
centurieS. For convenience of resereneo I shali folio the ordor of tho Grammatica Celtic ι.
16; denis, 10, 31; eo , 16, 29: 240, 24; lobru, 28, 20; oviariti, 40, 13; siniti, 100, 9; talaim, 192, 21; uuialiis, 260, 24. Whon