장음표시 사용
rio mords aro manifested sorthree ends, namely, iidings, and arguments and history.'α M A cortata land thore is in thomoria eastWard in Asia, .... is ita namo. Whito mertes are thero continually, and they celebrato theirhoura uster the manner of the Churchand human bcings. Τhuso vhite mortes are the bodies of the righto-
104. The commencement of the Esnam fige Buiei of whicli a complete copy is mentioned, Suria, NO. 66.
in. S. H. Ο'Grady insorvis me that a persect mo ofinis translation exista in Egerion 1781, pp. 113-150, and an impersect copy in Egerion 91, sol. 1, et seq. me manuscript Egerion 93, hom Whita I havo inhontho Iriis fori priniod lina in pp. 28-46, is a Amallvellum quarto containing 35 solios, in doubio columns, 45 linos in eata column. The fidit page is noW
xlvii Besides theso tWo copios, pages 520-528 os a Vellum M. in the library of Τrintly Collego, Dublin, marhed H. 3. 18, aro filiod mith extracta Dom a third copy, Whicli
maceri amuinter uilo amen, tamen.