발행: 연대 미상

분량: 147페이지


분류: 시와 노래




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In eaoh of the sentences the Word WWasp' is unchanged, though in ono the was dora in action, in the otherino as siners in action the orderint has been altered. In Latin inis differoncoris expressed nos is altering tho order, ut is changes in the formis in mord, callod case-Endings.


gra Thero ars thus in Latinisve Cases in tho Singular, ac vit ira Wn Ending, and the amo number in the Plura

There is also another Case, in vocativo used of the Person Addressed, but it has alWay the fame formina tho Nominative, excep in Nouna in ua os Deetensio ΙΙ.

Τ ove ines changes in the sormis a Substantius is callodisiaining a Substantive. CONJUGATION. 4. VERBA s resa Actions. Aetion ars done is different Persona me expressinis disserenos in Engliali is placing Pronoun, soro tho ct fometimes butino osten altering ita lam also.

In Liain thero is a special lam lareain Person, both in in Singularand the Pluria, therelam the Pronounneed notae put in.

Aura istantives me of the his Person is, therelare, Substantivo is used the Ver Willae in tho Thir Person.


are dono the may be Present, Hst, oes ture. In English, to express this difference, me uso other Verbs, callo Areataliam or Helping Verbs, though there iaalso a speciat for fortast time.

Toraive these special-tense so scis calledio mousino a VerbSUBJEC AND PREDICATE. 6. Sentences ars divide into SUBJEc and PREDICATE.


contained in a single oes.

cantamus, ve επ.

Ex L S 'Ecranae PREDICATE in One morae.1. Ridemus. 5. Dabant. 2. Ambulabatia. 6. Erimus. 3. Μanobis . . Tenetis.

I. Pueri manebant. 2. Serviridobunt. 3. Ego et nuntius manebImus. 4. uot puella cantabItia. d. aurus apparet.


2. Agricolao 3. Seros G. I. SUB Cri1. Multae puellao 2. Niger aere 3 meati agricolao

sunt sacri erant probi os impiger.


canoram fistulam amant. tim a cornigerum taurum. movum bellum tim unx

11. homonitis Cassis a Mun an ostenis used instein os an Adjective.

ELAE SUB CT 1. Nuntiua deorum 3. Ripa rivi 4. Verba amicorum 5. omlinarum ira 6. Oceani undae


o tra Britannorum oppugnabati sunt altae. sunt grata. t acerba. terram inundabunti


G. 9. I. Vorberabo Caium, marum me um2. Membra Pompei, astri Afri, uni nigri 3. Romani oppidum Veios oppugnabunt. 4. Dabima argentum poetae, noctem amico.

Obs. I . The Conjunotion qua, and cannot standisitself, but i, oined is in and of the ore t which it belonga. Purei puellaeque. Pueri si puellae. 23. Latin has no Articlea therelare, in translating a Noun, thin Whetherao ought tolut ima ostia bes erit, not. 3 . The ossessive Pronounc , his, their, etc. are ostentes out in Latin.

Servi videbant dominum. The flaveminis thei m ter.


Albertus, ignavus puer, non amabat litur . Saopo vitabat suum magistrum, et pererrabat agma. At ino taurus habitabat agros. Olim vide puerum. Primo alat si a via octilia lustrat advenam Alberina tenta fugam. Tum taurus instat. Mox cornigerum monstrum vulnerabit tergum miseri pueri.

Foris lata lama, plena IImo et aqua, terminabat agrum. Miser puer appropinquat locum et temere mandatio aquast Aqua est non alta, sed profundua limus vibo mombra. Taurus videt puerum in uino periculum aquas. Diu Albortus haeret, et taurus an ira lustria captivum. At agricola sorte intra agrum. Statim magno baculo deturbat taurum liberatriue Puerum.

Cardius filius impigri agricolae, bonus orat puer aedam a malos amicos. Agricola lotur dat puero calathum plenum pomorum Calathus continebat poma bona, pauca tamen erant putrida. Puer cura donum diligenter, sed mala poma macillant bona, et mox cuncta sunt mala. Carolua maestua plorat adversam fortunam. Tum agricola ita mons filium. Mala poma maculant bona, certo mali amici maculabunt bonum puerum.

The Blaclamore. Florus, Aser puer, erat servus Titi Britannyci coloni nam Britanni olim habebant servos) Augustus et Julius,