장음표시 사용
VADi4NUA JOACH1MUS Habes lector hoc libello. Et idoli hi sit dola Iunioris Rheti, ad Ioachim uni Vadialium . . . Epistolam qua de eoo nullorum obscuritate quaestio fit et percontatio. Joachimi Vadian . . . ad eunde Epistola, qua eo quae prioi epistola quaesita sunt, ratio explicat Ea vero sunt Quid Pli cap. 2. libri septimi per Dodrantem intelligat, ubi de Pygmaeis sol ibit: Quid idem per ne iam' cap. 16 intelligat, cum Gabbare scribit longitudinem habuisse nouem pedum totidem Vticiarum. De Antipodii, in sint: quom sint, pulchra disputatio. Quae causa Augustinum ad negandum Antipodas esse impulerit: Quia rectellegauerit. Ac Lactantio in Antipodii eiulatione danda sit fidos Maurobiu priscos iere, in Antipodii situ lapsos luisse. me luduAuronio et Venet . . . cru8hed red morocco lain, fide denteliasse e by Ri iere sni. o. Colophon Hinc tibi Sinore=ιius iam primit m emissa Ioannes Scripta reis pressit, cui bene stratus eris. Nono Kalendas Iulias. 4no M. D. XV. Viennae A D i, oui s. Ille original catalogiae quote a very long an int0-
restin note by Henr Steven concerning the edition and tho Ophitsoli in hieli se romai ks this is ille ,1RAT DIΤΙΟΝ, of the very hictos rarit an ii geographical importanee Unknown to Harrissu Wh says, under 51J, Wo in undor his dat in Mailiatro Ati 'nales, vol. II, pl. I, p. 2674 Hudolphus Agricola junioris ad Joachi muni adianum Epistola de locoruni nonuullorum obscuritate eum Joaeli. Vadiani Epistola responsoria. to, ut e re nable to state ivlioth0 thes Episti of Vadianus mentioned in that wor is tho amowh1ch entilles th various edition o Poniponius Mola by Vadianusto a place in his conlpilation. ithali ex option of th Lottors of Columbus an Vespiacet, and the irs Deead of Ρ0ter Martyr of Gil W know of no thor single publication ulmi Ibi comparabio illithis in pom of historical an geographica interest, s far a tho no disco verius affect the geograph of the ancients and are nisi prete byit. Ihis ille book of Vadianus a sugg0ste and clite by his frion Rudolius Agricola, ho reddi esses his Dedicatory 0ttor to aspar Ursinus. In his ansWer o Agricola' Leitor, Vadianus ait0ri'0plymito th si St two queries, has a very long dissertation poli ho Antipodes Throughout the reatis h sepius et aequainted illith progress o discovery by the ortu gues an Spanish, an is aequainted illi ali th book printe rotativo to thsem. m adopis w1thou hositation tho suggest o of the Gymnasium os t. Die andoalis th Munctus Novetts that is Bragil America without sexplanationor qualiscation. at is no a litti singula that his original pocialedition is no notieed by any gographer o bibliographer u ho havo written abolit America though umboldi, 'Avegae, and many Others havse used illi effodi th reprint of it at th und of the omponius Mela, 1518. V