장음표시 사용
Smithsonian institution LibrariCS
Flora Americo Septen trionalis;
ble os being adapted to an Europem climate, and thegrenter part of easy cultivation and quick growth;whicli circumstances have giveri them, With much propriety, the sirst rank in ornamentat gardening. A country so highly abundant in ali the objects of mysmourite pursutis, eXcited in me, at an early period oflise, a strong deSire to visit it, and to observe in their natural soli and climate the planis whieli Ι then knew;
and to mine sueti dise eries as circumstances might
taking is considered ; and that it will be accepted as itreatly is intended, as only the ground work of sonae future
si etch of the particulars of my stay in America, andio be informed of the means by Whicli I became possessed of SO generat a collection os iis planis, Ι shall
to forni an acquaintance with ait those interested in thestu ly of Botany. Among these I had the plensure to