라틴어 단어 색인

'단어구 명사'에 속하는 라틴어 단어 (317)

Argōus Portus
(명사), a harbour on the northern coast of Elba, now Portoferraio
argūmentum ad verēcundiam
(명사), An argument from authority, or an appeal to authority.
arma ignifera
(명사), (New Latin, plural only) firearms
armārium frīgidārium
(명사), (New Latin) refrigerator
aspera artēria
(명사), windpipe
ātra bīlis
(명사), black bile, meaning melancholy, sadness, dejection
auceps syllabārum
(명사), A person who quibbles over words.
auctor vītae
(명사), (Late Latin, Christianity) an epithet of God and of Jesus: the author of life
Augusta Emerita
(명사), The chief city of Lusitania, now Mérida
Augusta Praetōria
(명사), A city in Gallia Cisalpina, situated in the territory of the Salassi, now Aosta.
Augusta Suessiōnum
(명사), The chief city of the Suessiones in Gallia Belgica, now Soissons
Augusta Taurīnōrum
(명사), Turin (a city in Italy)
Augusta Trēverōrum
(명사), Trier (a city in modern Germany)
Augusta Vagiennōrum
(명사), The chief city of the Vagienni in Liguria, now Bene Vagienna
Augusta Veromanduōrum
(명사), The chief city of the Veromandui in Gallia Belgica, now St. Quentin
Augusta Vindelicōrum
(명사), Augsburg (a city in modern Germany)
aurea mediocritās
(명사), (philosophy) The golden mean.
barō rēgnī
(명사), (Medieval Latin, Hungarian history) first banneret
Beāta Virgō Marīa
(명사), Blessed Virgin Mary
bellum cīvīle
(명사), civil war
Bergen super Zōem
(명사), (Medieval Latin, rare) Synonym of Bercizōma
bona voluntās
(명사), goodwill
Bosporus Cimmerius
(명사), Strait of Kerch
Bosporus Thracius
(명사), Bosphorus (strait that passes through modern Istanbul)
Brācara Augusta
(명사), the chief city of the Bracari, in Hispania Tarraconensis, now Braga
Brūnōnis vīcus
(명사), Braunschweig, Brunswick (city in Lower Saxony, Germany)
Bulla Rēgia
(명사), A considerable town of Numidia situated near Sicca Veneria
calefactiō ūniversālis
(명사), (New Latin) global warming
caput lupīnum
(명사), Used other than with a figurative or idiomatic meaning: see caput,‎ lupīnus – the head of a wolfa person that is an outlaw
caput mortuum
(명사), a dead man's head, a skullworthless residue, useless substanceCardinal purple, a variety of haematite iron oxide pigment