장음표시 사용
conductis his schools. ne of these teachersWas scrupulous Veno minutiae, and Verywhere Mund AOme subjectrio esse a question; sor the smoothesi sursace presented inequalitiesto him, and there a no rod so mooth that
Wa prompt in reply, and neve so the sineos subterlage avoided a questio that was pro- posed; ut he ould choos the contradictoryside, o by multiplicit of word would shewthat a simple answer could notae iven. Inali questions, heresere, he a Subile and profuso, hiis the ther in his ansWer Was e spicuous bries, and to the poliat. Is tW suchcharacter could ever have been united in tho Sume person, he ould e the est an at disputation that our times have produced Bothos them possessed acute Wit, and an indomitable perseVerance, an belleve the would avo
turnediut great and distinguished men in Physical Studies, is the had supported themselveson the great base of Literature, and more cloSelysollowed the trach of the ancients instea of
mmiane tW years, and ot so verse incommon laceS mles an elementa in generat,
roviowod ali that Phad learn hom the othera, besides certain things, hicli Unow leam sorino firs time, relatin to the Quadrivium, in Whicli Phad alaeady acquired some informationstom in Germanis de n. I also again studio Rhetoric, hicli I ad besere learat Ver superficiali With sommother studies homΜaster Theodoric, but Without understandingwhato read Asterward leam it more suli stom eter Hely. y maintenance, by
supplied me by the fons of the nobilitn hom
instructed this made me of neceSSity, and at thei request, equently recal tomemor What I ad besere eard. I honso ex clos intimac Min aster Adam, a
tr. Wright calis him Beriaar ΓΕveque in his Biographia Britaianica, ol. i. p. 23l. he Amsterdam editionis themotalogicus and tho Cambridge S. both have Ricardus.
eve other manthink-of much te ning and who gave his particular attention to Aristolle. Though he was notis tutor, he communicatello me hache knew, and les himself open tome in a manner hich he had neve dono besore, or at eas to Ver seW; sor he was thought tot a very enVious man. eanwhile
o Soissons, who asterWards invented omethingio assai the antiquit of Logic, to dra meX- pected consequences, and destro the opinions
of the ancients and at las Phanded his overto in asoresaid preceptor There he perhapsio talia the fame thineis no the fame thing, yc. Ac butes could neverte brought to belleve, that homine impossibilit ali impossibilities
Ver Speedit remove homos, an in his place e had Rober de Ρoule, a man ami lealtho sor his rectitude and his attainments.
Johnis Salisbur remesned Min his succeSSO the celebrate Thomas a Becket. From his time to the martyrdomo his patron, o in
os Chartres, here e spent the remianing
Sse Epistola M vol. i. p. IIT, os this edition.
ur ears of his life and where e die ontho 25th of October, 1180. The Work of this riter, hicli me herepresente so the firs time complet to thereader, ure, I EPISTOLAE; a series of 327 letters containing a seway in Henry II., Archbisho Theodore, an others. LAEOLYCRATICUS, a philosophica treatis os omelennii, and of great celebrity. ΙΙΙ. OPUSCULA et ΡΟΕΜΑΤΑ: namely, etalogicus De eptem Septenis: tWo hori philosophica treatises, Vita Sancti homori an Vita Sancti Anselmi: Entheticus, and De membris compirantibu3. Besides these Woas, Tanne ascribes toJolinis Salisbur a Work, entille SUΜΜΑ ΕΡἄNITENTIA of Whicli a S copy, he ObServes,
exist in the Bodleian Libra . he S. volume certaint is ound in the Bodleian, but it bear no indicatio by Whicli the ameos iis auctor may be determined. The editor
has, OWever, recenti discovered durin atour in Belgium another S. of the Same Work in hicli the nam of the auctor is state OPus JOANNI DECANI SARESBERIEΝSIS, an he ventures to suggest, stat in author
Becket for ou Johia, though urname os Salisbury, a certaint neve Dean os thal
commentar on one of the Episties of Saint aut has also been ascribo to Jolin os Salisbury, and was printe in to aliaris in 1700. The Letters of Joh of Salisbury, a theyappeare in the aris edition o 161 1, eres eXceedingi corrupi, that it Was impossibieto mine either grammari Sense ut os them.
It is ope that the are no a leas intelligibie, though, as regard the chronologicalorde in hichahe are placed, no doub muchremain tot done and many errors have stillescaped detection.
EPISTOLA I. AD PAPAM ADRIANUM. Domino papae Adriano. INTER monachos abbatiae Hugonis, et clerum de Henham controversia diutius agitata est. Μonachi
siquidem a nominato Hugone 3 solidos petebant, dicentes eos sibi deberi nomine pensionis, in quam eis tenetur ab antiquo ecclesia dementiam adjicientes
memoratum H ad solutionem eorumdem esse ex
speciali pacto interveniente fidei vinculo, literarum testimonio obligatum. Et ut petitionis suae intentionem stabilius fundarent, se a duobus decessoribus praedicti, Willelmo et S. sed et ab ipso Hugone dicebant recepisse Praefatam pensionem, parati hoc probare incontinenti. Ad haecinum redus ecclesiam suam ab antiquo liberam esse dicebat licet monachia Hugone antecessore ejus arcam indebitam violenter extorserunt. Negabat enim constantissime se cum ipsis de aliqua pensione reddenda quamcumque inivisse pactionem asserens se ab abbate Aben- donis ecclesiam liberam, et sine expressione cujusque oneris accepisse, et per archidiaconum episcopi, ut mos est, in possessionem liberam canonice introdustum, nec fidei, aut scripturae, aut alicvius obligationis
. IOANNIS RARESBERIENSIS A. D. yinculum, ex quo conveniri possit, intercesaiam. Illos vero, a quibus monachi se praelatam quantitatem vecepisse dicebant, asserebat jam dictae ecclesiae non fuisse personas, sed conductos sacerdotes, et emi fiam et praedia instructa a monachis accepisse, ut praefatae pensionis summa solvi posset. Producebat etiam testes hoc ipsum probare paratos ipsorum quoque monachorum testimonio utebatur, contra Eoa proserens scriptum, quo nobis Persuaserunt, praedictum Segarium non personam Praedictae ecclesiae, sed vicarium, ipsumque conductitium extitisse. Praeterea ecci fiam suam tantae Paupertatis esse dicebat, ut, deductis episcopalibus et ministrorum necessariis alimentis, onus unius arcae vix posset sustinere. Sibi quoque non
debere obesse, si nomine ecclesiae aliquid quandoque invitus solverit, quum et ecclesia utatur jure pupilli, et ei beneficio minoris aetatis debeat subveniri. onachi
vero pactum intervenisse, modis omnibus probare nitebantur, producentes Viros Plures, qui assertionem eorum suo volebant testimonio roborare, et quoniam de paupertate ecclesiae causatus fuerat et 20 solidos annuos sine omni onere, dum illis ecclesiam ad tempus traderet, promittebant. Quidam vero volentes inter eos componere 40 solidos annuos deducto omni onere, dum illis ecclesiam cederet, osserebant, parati
super hoc idoneos dejussores dare. Quod quum Humfredus recipere videretur, habito incontinenti advocati sui amicorumque consilio, resiliit dicens
non esse tutum se ei aliquo modo rem suam confidero, qui eum omnino ejicere moliebantur Praesertim quum ab eis tanto Pere graVaretur, ut Praetimore monachorum ei nullus amicorum suorum vel testium audeat assistere, sed et Patrem suum contra ipsum Venire comPellerent: unde ad vestram audientiam appellavit, diem praefigens festum Epiphaniae.