장음표시 사용
In the summer of this ear, a great calamit beselhim. His mari lage portion, hich Was Securei in
Coa mines, ecame unfortunately through ad ma-nagement, entiret unproductive. His ather, also, Suffere severet froin the fame cause, hicli madeth dissiculi greater, a the ori s nam Wa inSerte lin bilis assed by the fallier. Soon after his first
employes interest the remittances rom thenee, there re, ecam uncertain, an much les thanthe ought o have been Another agent a after-ward found who again ad the properib pay, and remittances rom the coal mines, hich were placedunder belle management, ere again received butthe favourable change carne to late orae of se tolli poet. When suffering unde these missortunes, a Dundit necessary, rom the altered state of his finances, togo abroad The intelligetice of his disaster caused him ais to a down his en, When it might have proved the fures method os retrievin his fallenfortune ; an for sonae time e found it ulterly impossibi to rite any thing orth of ein laidbefore the public. ster making tW or three attem pisae committe them to the flames, and for awhil fel into a very despondita State. The change of scene froni Englando France helped, after ome time, to revive his droopingspirit. an as e recovered his health, his o verto resume his literar dabours returnei and this
Τhis interestin and spirite addres to his use Was placed a the commen cement of a Volume prΟ- duce a Boulogne, calle using and Prosings and published by subscription The folio viri let ter froni Si Robert eel o r. aynes Baylyhe refers to this publication, an salso to Some beautim lines called The ridemaid ' the subjec of picture no in Si Robert' possession.
altere circumstances for tW years in the mos pru-
dent an economica manner They enjoyed achother' society, and were happy in congenialit of thought an sentiments. At his perio his time was hiesi occupied in ritin for the stage, hicham used im exceedirigly. When e conceived thel lotis a drama, he would orti diligenti a it illit Was completexto his entire satisfaction he would then pas many ays Withou Writin a line, and this total Hassemen seemed necessa , before e couldopen another vel o Wit an humour. The followin is a lis of his dramati produc
jo his society, and welcomedaim ad to England with great cordiality. Helai severat visit at their Seat in the country, here e again indulge histast for andering mi luxuriant grove an gay
The ood of hirte Pari particulari seemedio inspire hini illi poetica ideas. His favourite
llim the de of the folio vinclines
Anglatse. Sa posiste a inspir presque out latri-gade musicale de compositeur de ballades. Laplupari de celles de . aynes Bayl ont un