Songs, ballads, and other poems

발행: 1844년

분량: 314페이지


분류: 미분류


prove but o trues for in the early par of this earli Was, during the progress of the work, have justinentioned, attached by brain sever, hicli confine him to his e for man weeks, an renderedhim insensibi to ali around hi m. Stili, his life Wasneue despatred of and oward the commentem ento the summer e egan to ally. As he had great command ver himself, e kne When anxietypreyed on his min&; for hoWeve russie the undercurrent of his thought mightie, he alWays hept thesia ac so mooth that the ori sal only, during the lalter years of his life the sunny id of his exist-


iliis fage of his disease, he hadio dea ostiis provingsatal, as ill e seen by the followin lines hichwere addresse to the friend with hom he was staying, and writiei in a bower herea love to sit. The are the more interesting on account of their belli nearly the las of his poetical productions

Heritis Cintra Lod ge illi the intention os return in to Boulogiae, havin test his fami ly thereo ut during the seu days e passe in London on his Way, his diseas increas e to suci a frightful extentilia stron remedies rere immediatet resortet to His sichnes and suffering produced a tota change of colour, and in his letters e thus describes his p


am a V ea as a babeo m premature attempt at nourishin myself, hicli Dr. tot me ere HSeles While the complaint asted have ende in thenecessit of cuppin me on the live an stomach. 'These accounts o terrifie Mrs Haynes Bayly that sh determine onaoing olim immediately. HoweVer, et ore he could mali arrangement for leav- in her hildreia, he received a letter, intimatingthat he would at orice return to her a Boulogne. on his arriva her ors apprehensioris ere ali Oosuret confirme by his appearance. His disease,no confirme jaundice, increased atly and his sustering at time Were Ver great. Ide, hoWeveribore them illi patience and resignation, and bowed

villi the tru feel in os a Christian to the will of

his Creator. It was nou suggeste that the ai and waters

distres the nerves of hi patient. HOWeVer, the an- nouia cernent a uia attende by any excite ment as


Me was a hin parent, An affectionat hu8band, popular AuthorandAn accomptished gentieman. Τ commemorate allii good qualities, Whieli he ut apprecialed, This tablet has been erected B his disconsolate mother.' '


And the love of her eople her pride an suppori


Ah l in Papi Ilo natus in stosculo, Rosae ubi liliaque et violae halent;

Floribus advolans, avolanS, OSCUlo Gemmulas tangens, quae suavesolenti Sceptru et pes ego neutiquam OS-tulo,

Nolo ego ad pedes qui se volutetit Ahi sim Pupilio natus in flosculo, osculan gemmas quae sustu olent layIagicana si possem virgam furari, Alus has pulcras aptem mi, eheu 2Εstivis actis diebus in Ere, Ros1 cubunt Philomelae cantu.

opes quid afferunt λ-curRS, Somnum rard Sceptra tii praeter aerumnas eheu' Αω sim spillo die Volati aere, Rosa cubans hilomeli cantu lQuemque holum vaguliam uicis horrore Fri gora autumni ferire Suo A stas quando abiit, mal Iem ego mori omni quod dulce est cadente pulcro. Brumae qui cupiunt captent lab0rs Gaudia et mora breve trahunt O Ah l sim Papilio . vivam in errore. Concidamque omni cadente uuro


obdormientem syringa Memoria cepit; Et, aurest plumis lana

Ηὶ mi manendum est Heli omne quit m breu interit, Quodcunque praenitet Idem rosam Phoebus perdit,AEstiva quo calet. Regina eram, quam Plurimus Secutus est amariS; Volurem sicub altius, Enus me laudans. Insidet alter ah l meae Curae Psyche leviso Meaeque los syringulae Cingetur uli S. Heu i omne quum breu interit, Quodcunque praenitet Idem rosam Phoebus perdit, Estiva quo culet.