장음표시 사용
From the Washington Globe. By the common consent of ali critius this is th bost wοrho Democrac in ancientis modern literaturo It has had tho universa good fortune to pluas me os allisliades o political opinion, io the simple easo that, eing th mor o a manwho trove to attain hucius medium in ali his opinions, hovas a Sincere ueher astu truth, and whos chio aim in litomas th good of manliind it bearithroughout stronimatas oti artiality, incerity, and honeSty.
ness, an grace of the Style. . . . Professor Bomen has sub-j0cted Reeve 's version to a caresul supervision, and has ulmostrewritton it He has maderit more correct an more compact
Timos clown to the Deathii Alexander. Compiled by R. F. PENNELL, Instructor in Philli ps Exeter Academy. With aps and Plans. 16mo. Cloth. l. 00. The distinguishing characteristius of this Wor are I. rovity Al minor delatis are omitted thus moidinia
confuse massii matteris perplexinito every beginner. II. Clear arrangementi topic in each oh ter. III. Important venis, ames, an Date are printe inclear tilao letter,' thus greatly assisting the student in Iearning them.
Froni PROFESSOR E. F. STEARNS, Waylan Institute.
Idissem to me a book admirabi adapte to the wor for icti it has been prepared, - an introduction to the study of tho Histor o Greece. I am speciali pleased to suo that intreatinibriossy tho importaut evenis, the author has Dot omittodili connectinilini o cause an effect Whicli alone an alio history philosophi and interesting.