장음표시 사용
duponds on opifex las agitaro' illi lusisso on ogrogius' se onProl. 11 . Tu last two infinitivos mouit 'o colobruto Quo sinios '; therocis no moniling in tho di serenuo, tonso. Pollico is usod illi referone to fidis Bassus, o aro tot l, ad anotho villa in thone ighborhood of Vesuvius, und was over holmou incit ut tho timo ofth gro at eruption Λ.D. M. G. Mihi nunc Ligus ora Porsius himsol liud gon to tho Ligurianconstri pas the inter On the a Whicli tho Roman callod L anno Portus no tho Gul of poetia , horo, it is suid his ste9-iather liuod It is surroundod by high mountains, and the valloys ruri doWnto tho hore. Porsius alis the wator ear hiuli ho was meum mare. Vorso cis quo ted froni th Annals of Ennius 'Lunai is hoarchai fors of thoisonitivo, anil operae is ussed in tho sons of Opora protium. Cor Enni is quivalent' 'Ennius cordatus,' tho wis EnniuS.' aeo destertui esse Maeonides, The oo means that Ennius avethi advico hon ocios o druamin litorally, suoring ' that he was Homer Maeonidos, tho Lydian ' , and was Quintus Ennius, with a solit, hiuli hau bolongod o Pythagoras and ad sine passed through tho formis a ponoouli. Ennius is fati to have recordod thedream of his transmigrations at the oginninio his Annulas and itis furtho said that his praenomon amo froni tho number of De states in hichiis solati adclivo l. Tho Scholiast givos iis tho ordor of the Changes, Pythagoras, the eaeocli, Euphorbus IIor C. i. 28. 103,
Homer Ennius. The arran gement is no ire froni anaehronism ut, fortunately that is a matteris no importaneo. Esso Maeonides ' is
51. Non adeo, inquis; These Word aro spolion by tho seir; and
SI Progenies terrae I This is tho exclamation Otho heir, eXpress- in sui priso that tho oot hould 0, illincto leave his properi to
NOTES.nounco in ono syllabio by synigesis. o totis his seir no to spontio hi in ovo uni ovo again tho advice that fallior give thoi sons, toput o ut thoi mono ut intores aut live noli incoine. Foenoris merces is used for the simplor orna merces. '
businos of mercator ' and flave dealor, o doubio his wealth. Thoman optio that se has done so, and that it oes On inerea sing. Excuto is usod in uel tho amo sons a in i 49. an flaves Wore brought to Romo froni Cappadocia; the Wore sold rom a plat- forni callod catasta. Rigida' is a redundant epithet. Plausisse' deponil on praestantior ' it moans uo stap the mon nolis thighor armi Otho sineWy pari, a the auctioneor Would do in ordo tostio thoin T. Ruga is horo the old of tho garmoni in hieli
ono, ill como astorbourio, ahobou 9 and askbou the fame quos-tion V Persius eum to a that tho man who is es a limit sol totiis avarico could tot Chrysippus whon he had a sent anil so solvoths soritos Thor is also a logica term soritos. Whieli means asseries O propositiones dependinieauli pon the ne osor i unti a Conclusion is reuehed hieli connecis thoisi si proposition illi tholast but tho reserenue horo seonas to me tora Nithout doub to tho fallac whicli has oeu jus described.
It is raro to fin an oditionis a classic authoris admirablyadapte to the wants of student as r. Jubbys Electra. II hope this num odition will aid in mariniit bellor hnown iniurcolleges an Lam gladrio se hon much Professor Mather has dono to that good end.
scholars will agre mitti me that i is greatly improve by Professor Mather' revision, and tuachers and pupils,il fiti it tobo what the want in the stud of this favorite play of the princeos tragi poets. From PROFEsso O HOWES, Hamilton College. The changes introduco by Professor Mather in ebb's Electra ore in in opinion, substantiat improvement8 and I shali in futuro usu this in proferene to any other edition.
Macleanu's Commenta ias eo mel linown and highlyualue amon scholars, ut it prico has uretofore, for thomost pari, epicit ut of the reach of ur undergraditates. Professor Hari' abridgmon has no put into thoirianiis ali that ould bo i iis to thum in the largo book the paris omittud uing such as,ould eis service ni t scholars of more leisure and grenter proficiency. his, however, is no allthat tho oditor has dono in preparing this book. 0 has studiodili oditions of Hoinricli, o Mayor, and of Other commentators, an has incorporate much that is usefulciroin thei notes and , in addition, he has inserte notes and comments of his Wn, including many explanations o peculia constructiori an a considerable od o grammatica referunces It suem to ustilatio undergraduate, hocis ready to enter upon the stud of Juvenal, Will ait o in in tho amplo notus containe in his volum a satisfactorfansmerito any question that he can expectio ascas to the meauinio the text. Τ' From PROFESSOR E P. CROWELL Amhera College. Thu op o Professor Hari' Juvenal published bybou, is recolv0d with thanks. Huviniused Maclenne s Commentaryior many years, Ilam prepare to appreciat this abri ignient ofit. The work of the American oditor is dono illi excellent judgment, an his addition to the notes Wit greatly inureasethei value ortu Students. From PROFESSOR LYΜAN COLEMAN, Uayette College.
I in happy to a that I have in us Professor Hari sedition o Juvonat, nil find it a very useful judiciolas, and Scholari manuat, admirabi adapte to the wanis i tho