장음표시 사용
musarum sacerdos, Od. III. 1. 3.
477. caelique vias, c. 'tho Ways of heaven and the stars that travo o them.' his ould bo calle a hondiadys; ut
Some question in physica scienco are no enumerated.
Dido's instro Iopas sing of thom at the east, Aen. I. 740. Sincoluerotius splendidioemio Rerum Natura, Verse eomedili naturni, as in ancient timescit ad been the only vehiclosor scientisi thought. 478. efectus ... Iabores faintings,' travatis, both mean eclipso.' In tho parallel passago, Aen. I. 742, it is errantem
506. gemma m e semma may bo alien litorally. nCnΥΣ Ο agat Would mali u cup, an example stili xis ium eumS, .g the Tagga Farnese at Napies. Sarrano,probabi from Sur Τsur the old nam os Tyro. 507. defosso In imos o civi dis ordo mono vili boburiet for asoty. In Aen. 1. 610, there are found among the worsi criminals in Tartarus, qui divitiis soli incubuere repertis
In that passago it is tho solsisti applicationi tho calth, hero
511. exsulo. . . mutant They Xchange theirigellings . . . fora lanxo exile. In mutare locum loco illior the place hither as hero oritho place hene may bo in the abi. because eithorcanae viowed a tho instrument of the eXchange Thus Lucretilem mutat Lycaeo Faiιnus means goes rom Lycaeus o
Lucretilis,' clois Luc. in exultango sor by means of by giring up Lye 3 ith this ense of erilium Dra place of exile comp. Ovid, ast 1 540, Feliae, eae ilium cui loeus ille fuit. 512. alio patriam, e . xliind of oxymoron se V 439). land unde a strange sun could notrae stricti a patria. 513. dimovit Noto th pors Othors asto tim in barronrivatrios tha husbaudian ali the whilo has eo bus mitti fruitsul induStry.