장음표시 사용
I have attempted to do this in my grammatical notes in this book; and the very gratis ing asSUranCES I have received froni Massors Who haVe used my editions of VIRGIL, BOOR IL, and HORACE ODES, BOOΚL, lead me to Suppose that the plan I have adopted lightens the work very materialty for theipupit, and secures his gradual acquaintanCe With the principies of
I mahe no apology for the very suli and copiolis
reserenoes to the Grammar. In the Case of a non-SPOhen langilage, the only Way to understand it aCCU-ralely is to master iis Syntax. and in the references in this litile book, no Word of any difficulty has been PaSSed OVer; and special care has been given to the subjunctive inood, V and to indirect narration ' thetivo most dissiculi potnis to get pupiis thoroughly COnversant Nith. I plead guilly, in these referenCeS, to the Charge of iteration and repetition, because it isonly by Such means that the construction beComes indelibly fixed in the minds of the pupiis. In the Vocabulad I have talien Special patras to pro sent eacti requisite inade of mea ning in the avords, and Some care has been bestoNed iapon the derivation ofWords, and upon kindred stems in other Indo-Europeanian ages; although this Ialter potnt has not been elaborated to any very great extent, inasmuch as thebook is essentialty an introductory Work, and it Wasnot thought weli to burden iis pages With too frequentresearches in this direction. Synonynas are giVen here and there, to attraCt at tention to this most needsul accomptishment in thestiady of Latin.