장음표시 사용
is Plato ad naaintaine a uri ad os his cin or is Aristotiella ought that he had done so), is it no incredibi that Aristotie
SinCe ve nee no Suppos that Aristolle is here naput in to Plato a doctrine so inconsistent vitii the dialogues a that of tria os si imple hodies', ve are o longe sorCedri interpret ,
3P Ι-3. καὶ κάτερα . . . συνέστηκεν. Ara Stolle reveris to the
συμβόλων συνίσταιτο αν Ἀηρ υνο και θερμός. 3Ih2-4. στε . . . φεξῆς. Ari Stolle has lao vn hiat, by the
Conversion o a Single elenaeniar qualit in acti case, ire is transsor vied into Air, At into Vater, Cater into Earth, and Earilainto Fire 31 26 - 4). his is a s cis of transirimations. At the
3IJ II-24. αυτ . . . πυρός. The transirimation os ire into
oτι μὲν γαρ ὁ τε καπινος πνευμα και κάεται ὁ καπνός, φανερόν, και
3IJh28. των σωμάτων, . l. των ὁπλῶν σωμάτων.