장음표시 사용
35 9 I4. μαρτυρεῖν . . . αρδειν. Can inser the Constituents
35 24 - 37 33. Ἐπε . . . ρό v. In laese Chapteis Ari Stolle i treat of the four cause of the γενητα καὶ φθαρτά, thus fulsit lingliis origina plan Cf. 1 f Ἀ-6), and likadd a note 37 'o 7-33 inconstrimation os his theor of the et scient Cause. The CCount here iven of the a ateria cause 35' 32-h5his reStaternent in Sonnexulaat imodi sie ternas of the doctrine ina plied in A. . A regard the fornaal cause Aristolle briest repeat sthe doctrine asstinaed in his criticisna os Enapedotcles cs ' 33'
16-2o). e de fine it a the ornatila expressing the essentialnature', and thus identili et it villa the final Cause, i. e. the norinal
perfect developinent of the type of thin in question 35 6-7).
right procedure so it is a principi os ni ethod that gras of the true theor of an universa facilitates in understandirigi iis
for an investigatio of the esticient cause, Aristolle divides ali preceding theories in to ththos xvlaici, hic the theor of Solcrates in the Phaedo' trie to explain ci/cσG and φθορά by the ornaal CRUSe, i. e. a esseCis os ille fornas' and ii thos which liheth theones of the Atomisis, the Pythagoreans, an Empedolcles)trie to explain γένεσις and φθορά by the materia CaUSe, i. e. as esseCts of the iovement originatin in the ni alter Theinadequac os both types of theor is to e scrilbed Aristolle Urges, O the ahisen Ceis a Clear recognition of the efficient Cause.
Sol rates in te haedo si The Formis an tiae Participanis
efficient cause are ne and the sanae Vi Z. Od. 36' Ἀ-Ι2. ετ . . . οργανα. The Spectat orna of the laterialist
final CRUSO. The Pythagorean imaterialisis, thereire, are pen to the
that circular motion vas Suffcient to CCOunt for the movements
of ali in heavent hodies. Vim Eudoxus his circula imotioni Ool the forni of the revolution o different spheres, acta of mich imoves about a diameter a aXiS. Ali the Spheres vere ConCentric the Common Centre bella the Centre of the earlli; lience me nam of homoCentri spheres V used in later inaesto describe the system. The spheres vere os different Siges, ne
inside the other Each planet vas fixe at a potnt in the equator of the sphere M icta carrie it, in sphere revolvin a. uniformspeed about the dianaeter Joining the Correspondita potes thatis the plane revolve uniformi in a reat circle of the sphere perpendicular to the axis of rotation. ut ne sucia circularmotion va no enough in orde to explain me changes in thespee of the laneis motion, et Stations an retrogradationS,as vel a thei deviations in latitude, Eudoxu hau to assumea number os suci Circular motions vorking on acta plane and producin by thei Combination that single apparenti irregularmotion claicia an be deduce frona mere observation. e accordingi, hel illa in potes of me sphere vlaiCla Carries me plane are not Xed, but memSelve moV on a reate Sphere concentri Wim me Carryin Sphere an inovin about two different potes vitia a spee o it o vn As even his vas notSusticient to explain me plaenomena Eudoxus place the potes of the secon sphere o a third, Whicli again vas Concentri Willa an large than the rs an secon an move about separate
potes of it o vn, and with a spee peculia tocitself For the planet yet a Murth Sphere vas require Similari relato to e
three them so the sun and na oon e mund that by a sui tablechoice of the positions of the potes and of speed os rotation laecould naalce three spheres Sustice. . . . The spheres Whichisa ove ea Cla planet Eudoxu na ademtiit se palate Doria hos xv hic licia iove the others. One sphere sustice of Courseo proclii e the dat lyrotation os the eavens Thus, vitii three Sphere so the uia, three or lae n)oon, four formaCla os me planeis, an one or thedad rotation, here vere 27 Pheres in ali . . . . I Would appearthat he id not ive his spheres an substance or aeChani Calconnexion; lae Whole Systein va a Purei geonaetrica hypothesi S. or a se os ineoretica Constructions Calculate to represent theapparent path of the planet an enabi then to e Computed.'
a. 4eChani Cal System o spheres i. e. spheri Cal helis, in actualconta Ct vitia ne an Other 'his ima de it alimos necessary, insteados assuim in Separate et o spheres, ne et sor ach Planet, tona alce ali the et pari fine Continuous system o Splaei eS. For
and si are Contrai to ne nother thema otion. vlaicli is heiresii Cient cause, naust , si eterna an continuo his, and ii in