장음표시 사용
B. 5. 332 ' O 25 225 meory the Boundie si is a bo , it is natura that he laould
a ody existin apari frona i. e. unquali lied by the Contraries
ωnditio=Is the contrar is investe vitii the character of the Contradictory, and the La v o Exclude Middie applies Thias, is x is a subject xvii Ch an accepi the prediCate odd', i. e. f
228 COMMENTAR V e. g. Doria i to ire and Vater inapi the possilbilit os the
assu naption is it true that ach nexu transsor ation naphes a neu Contrari ely, and that the preCemn elenaenis nius possesscontrar qualitie CorreSpondin to ali the conti arieties On Aristolle' o vn theory the contrari et dry-moist e. g. is the basis of Leti transformations vir of ire into Air o pice persa an of Vater into arti, o vice vena in But accor sing to the ineory vhicli Aristolle has non in in his present Critici sim, naiddie-
lias been passe on to ire froni Ai an frona ali preceding elements' is there are any in the strat glat line of ip vard 'transformation.
is thereire incompatitae vitii the theor vhicla hecis CritiCiging.Hence though Aristoti has infra proved that his opponent arebound to admi cyclica transformiation 'cia' 12-14, ah 5-3οὶ, laesis ready for the Salce of argument, to suppose 33 3hthiat the
ne Ver Corne-to-be at all, vi g. thos hicli are separated Doria the elenaent', villa viaicli 'the processis transsor ation tarts by an infinite una ber os interveni ni elenaenti'.
In Solvin these problenas, Aristolle explain hOxv e Conceives the action-passion os contrar On Contrar in the proCeSSO combination vlaicia is sues in the forimation Os a ὁμοιομερες