Aristotelous peri geneseos kai phthoras. Aristotle on coming-to-be & passing-away (De generatione et corruptione) A revised text with introd. and commentary by Harold H. Joachim

발행: 1922년

분량: 357페이지


분류: 미분류


36 3O-32. our . . . γένεσιν. Al things in the universe areani aias ed , destre or love for the best', i. e. for God and Godis tenaal de Cf. 36 1 - 18). ut the divine life is reflected in the actions and activities of the derivative ining villa decreaSin intensit and lina inishing adequac in proportion to their increasin distance roni God. laus even the heavenly bodieS, though the are re frona ct cos and φθορά and though the are individuali e ternat, ni approxiimate in thei activities O me divine actuality Their se is no me good'. The live in actioni or series os actions ' πράξcις)43 Which the approximate

36' 34. τούτου, C. του γίνεσθαι αεὶ καὶ την γένεσιν.



37 I-7. ιδ . . . ἐστιν. Thie reciproCal transirimations os Eartia, Air, ire, an ater are due to the Conversion os ne or both,

of thei constitutive elenaentarbi qualities into lae Contrar qualityo qualities CL B. 43. O these elenaeniar qualities, in dry and the imoiSi are par excelsore passive πάθη and the o and the Cold are par excelunc active δυνάμεις : Cf. 4 44-26. HenCe the things Whicla re reciprocali transsor ed in virtve of eirpaSSion and ei po vers of action are Di Ihe so instance the simple bodies', vhici Aristolle here adduces in illustration; though the description is no doub intende to ove the συνθετα alSo in O sar a their γενεσch and φθοραί are ultimatet due tollae transformation os the πλα σώματα of vhicla the ali consist


cedent time.



tha the revolution os the uterinos sphere is the efficient cause of the consinua IF of the sun's annuat iovement, and theresore naediately of the continiιDF of the alternation O γλεσις and φθορά. The note talces the fori of tha gigantic prolasis 37 I7-3 IIbreatlites indeed in rather Oose in syntax, but Oncentratin into a nu imber o distinc praemissa the resulis of Aristotie's liscussion in 'Fs. , o far a theb are relevant to


Tirne an Change reciprocali impi One notheta There an be no Change Whicla is no in tinae, o time vitta Ohit Change, an no perceptionis line vithout the perceptionis Change. Continuit, ' and succession ' are primarib spatia an CharaC-terige magniti ides CL 'o 6 4). Biat thie Change os a Continuous magnitude, o sar a the alter preserves iis Continuity, is itself ontinuous' an exhibit succession besores and after 'ini a Sense analogous to me succession ' orde of position in the paris of thema agnitude. Frona his continuit an successioni Change me Continuit os lini an iis order of be re and after are derived. V recognige time Ivlien ve perceive 'besore an after in

an recognige that the noxus areo vo an separate froni ne anotheri an interva disterent frona both. Time, in laci, is that



that the continuit of the sphere of φορα though no os any

' συνεχους is a partitive genitive. For a sinitia instance of the partitive genitive in the singular, CL Eth. Vc. II 27 and



The validit of the alter par of this arguiment Clearly depend upon the naean in Whicli Aristolle ives absolute neCessit os occurren Ces' and that is expla ined elo v, 37, 2938'5. The effect os that explanation is to restrict albsolute


rences attaches to the naeniber of the Cycle ni qua emi Odyingara dentica type or species, notato them qua individual severalty

Therapi, , vhicli Aristolle dentes to this succession proceedinga in sinitum in the future Cf. 48 29 , is in facti a SoleXander

37 29-38 3 αλλὰ . . . ἀνάγκης. Even in a nise rectilinear



Causa Succession, ve cannot attribute albsolute necessit to the OCCurrence of the last meaiber; and thereire non of the


i procee ad in sinitum in a traight sine or si returia pon