Aristotelous peri geneseos kai phthoras. Aristotle on coming-to-be & passing-away (De generatione et corruptione) A revised text with introd. and commentary by Harold H. Joachim

발행: 1922년

분량: 357페이지


분류: 미분류


sorne sense tali internali diverse, in C it has to ause a patro contrar effecis 3 6 23-3I). Theseri vo Conditions Aristolle maintains, a re satisfied γ mena otion long the incline circle ' 36 32), i. e. by the sun s annual



actuali ty, and a theres ore also the ultimate ina cause and the ulti imate or primary efiicient cause For i God a s heeractuali ty, is the fulsi liment in vhicli ali effori naus recognige iisend-i. e. God is the est', the supreme ol)Ject os ali des ire. An Aristolle represent at things in the Cosimos as inspired by love os God a Stri ving, o sarras in thena lies, to attaino God; i. e. to imitate in thei activities that perfeci and ternat se that seis dependent an seis fulsit lin spirituat activi ty, whiichi is God. But si God, as heer actuali ty, is the underive origin os allnaotion, i. e. the rinaar effCient cause. The terna illa, vhic his God, radiates through the whole systen i. t Onana uni Catesiiset ininaediat ely a xve have Seen to the πρωτον κινούμενον in the orna os eieci)a uniforna revolution In the subordinate spheres in the o ver regions of the eavens the movenaentS, though stili Continuou and ternat, rem longe uni forn4, inCectie a re transmitte ili rough nore than ne internaediary-i. e. the imovenaents of ille planet are irregular, sinCe the are me resultant O naan revolutions. An in alie region abo ut the Centre '-i. e. in the Sublunar sphere-there is no revolution tali. The divine lis is naanifeste here, in his regio furthestremoVed stram the πρωτον κινουν, in the enisebled an ina persectprocesses of the peri Siaable things, vi g. in the a ovement and transirimations of the Mur simple ' bodies, in the move ments of the animal aia naen, in isεσις and φθορά, 1 ἀλλοιωσις, an in


36 3Ο. εναντία . . . α νωμαλία Contrasted vitia ne anothereithe by the sense of thei motion o b iis irregulari ty.' i One novenaen is contrar 'cio another, only f the tenninalpoints of the fornae are spatiali contrar to mose of the alter. I De g. A is bove an B elow o A right aru B es, o A front



plurialit os disserent, and possibi Contrary, Part-motions andis ine' ni hi continui ty', i. e. oni l)eCauseolae en os oneo iis part-rnotion is the eginia in os another. In a uniforani notion, n the other hand there is the sanie velocit thiroughout . It is absolutely one' sor at iis Constituent imotion a re sinat lar, i. e. any one os them Couta l)e substitu ted or an other Hencea body vlai Cla ioves uniformal and the path of iis motion natistinem selves hie uni somn- i. e. uiust be SUCh that an pari Could

coincide vitii could e substitu ted or an otheri rom hisit solio us that the path of a uniforin notion rntist be emera stra ight ne or a circle. ut a traigiat ne since Aristotie loes no ad n ait an Infinite Contains an ἀρχή and τέλος. Bodies,




an indicationis via at vas in Aristotie' naind.Ari Stolle oes no explain Why, i a succession o me sun's

ine perio of the organi sim' decline, do no neutralige the de- Structive PO ver of the vinters. Veliust suppos stat he Would have niet his difficult by his theor of the συμφυτον θωμόν, though there is no eviden eoo ho v the precis forni vhicla his anS ver uould have talcen The de velopnient of a living ming, sive lino v frona ther vorks, i due to the co- operationis a melaea in the en viro ianaen i. e. in the i or Vate in Whicli ethin lives), Whicla is derive principali frona the sura, and b)the Connate vita heat', vilicia is containe in the ear of sanguineous animal an in the analogous organ o bloodlessanimais. This vita heat συμφυτος θερμότης φυσικη, θερμότης χικη, ζωτικη θερμότης, φυσικον θερμόν, κτλ. Play a Ver important par in Aristolle' physiologica an biologica meorieM Cf. o. g. 29h 24-26 de Gen. Annn. 73 6 33 s. 762' Ι 8-21, 784 34'.

Tam a Naturalia 69 6 ff. 473 9-I Meteor. 379 3 st 36 IΟ-I5. δι . . . μέτρον. The Orde Controllin ali hings in the Cosmos assigns a deteriminate periodis lis to acta species of livinithing. Vith in this period, o Imany yearS, . g. arere Ut redsor the proces of developnaen to niaturit an an equa numbero b ear for the decline to extinction. The individua membersos in species Conforna, as a genera mιle, to thei SpeCisi period.

An the perio os ach species is distinctive, i. e. the Vario usspecies are distinguislae frona ne another in I διοριζονται by the various numbers vhicli expres me disserin tengilis of eir

periods here re Constant references in Aristolle 's vorks to



the orde conti Gil in the Systent of things CL BonitZ, Did. 747'3o f. It is reserre to laeto v, 37' ID τε ταγμέmin. In 36h i5 hie rami natical sulfect is metrcρίοδος vitia viaich τομετρονis in appoSition. 36hio 24 ἀλλ . . . φθοράν. The vita period of the species assigne by the Omer, denaand equa duration for the processo de vel opiment an so the proces of decline : but to this, a toe ver genera rute, there are XCeption S. It osten appens that individual os given species die reuiaturely - i. e. that their decline occupies a horter tinae than thei developulent, ora horter inae than in Order rescribes biso ἐν ἐλάττονι θεορεσθαι : ither interpretation is possihile, an both conae to thesarne laing). his lilce ali exception to the genera rules in nature, is due to the matter. For the ima iter, o Iulii Cla theli ving things a re Cona posed is cirregular', i. e. no the sanae intexture throughout CL ' 36' o . Heiace the γενεσει of Sorane individual in a species vili be irregular', i. e. vili exhibita velocity vary in hona me normali specisi rate so that sonaeo theni vili develo to qui Chly and ther to sto vly No V, Since the cνεσις fine hin is eo ipso the φθορά of another, acta abnornaali rapi γενεσις xvii eo ipSo involve an abnormali rapidφθορά. remature dealla, heresore, or abnornaali rapi declinein sonte individuat is orat in inevitabie obverse of premature rabia orna ali rapid developnaeiat o me par of ther iving things, viae ther of the Sanae or of a disserent species. This interpretation, by Rhicla alone a tolerat ile naean ingCan e extracte frona the paSsage, involves the lacin os a Conana after συμβαίνει an in inSertion of aster i. in x 24.


that premature deati is due collision ' i. e. to life being Crustae out 8hu, instea o vanista in by the proces of naturaldecline But his interpretation is impossitae, since it Would

conjunction in an astrologica sense), o vhich lae ascribe Sa Certa in influence in deteranining the pan O life Here againit is a sufficient objection that nothin in the contexi ustitiesus in dentis, ing αλληλα vith τα υράri or Vith their σχηματα. On the whole I have thought it est to obelige the vord as



ever individua thin in in Ibo ver Cosmos hare in ternit in virtve of it 'forna'. or it forni is the species, me specificcharacter of at the individua enabodirnent and this et ther

gapniel Neen, an dioinduo, it recurrenCes ' in iis representatives. Thus the Continuit of γενεσις Contribus es to the persectio ofilae universe. o by it, and by t alone, the sublunar sphere is linice up vitii the Celestia SphereS, SinCe even me 'γενητα κώφθαρτά, in virtve of this Continui ty, contribute to an Share in, the divine lis Which the est' or the τέλος of the whole

Aristolle ouches helo ' 38 6 19 on me distinctionbet veen the individua eternit of e. g. me star an planeis anditae specis eternit of the γενητὰ καὶ φθαρτά, an explain i ibythe disteren C in their matte The reade ma be rem inde in his Connexio that Aristolle, as vel a Plato, regarde the impulse of the individua livingth in to propagat iis hin d a the expressionis iis triving astereterni ty. The peri Shable things attain to immortalit an eternalli se, o sar a in thena lies, in the perpetuatio of thei species cs. e. g. Plato, Fans et o des . Arist. de Anima 415 25 - ha).