Historikōn logoi 9 epigraphomenoi mousai

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Pausan. B. T. c. 32.

XI. VI. I. Δύο καὶ σισσεράκοντα.J So it appears to me necessary toread, inough ali ine MSS. agris in γρηκοντα. Tarcher and Falchenaer are os ine Rame opinion. Pausanias, B. E. e. 29, saris of cte AEnnetaris, ἔν - Μηδικ' πολέμω παρασχέσθαι πλοῖα μετά γε ' θηναίους πλεῖστα . The Corinthians, inen, having contributed sortyvemeis, it folio va stat ste AEginetans suriushed more. Besides, ac- comitu to ine enmnerration os Herodotus, exvelve vesseis are Wanting


tivo cubiis long. LX. 4. Κατηγοσίειν.J The constria tion is, κατηγορέειν των συμμάχων, πανιόντων, ἔφερέ οι on ἱνα κόσμον.

LXI. 6. Τόσι δη. J Τόσι δη relates to τίσι μιν, 9 60, t. I. LXII. S. Ἀγαρός.J Aster inis Worta me inust complete ine sentence, Which Themistocles, in his impetuosi ty, leaves imperseet, by


Σάμον ... πολίων πασέων πρώτη D Thucyd. B. viii. 9 15, της XLs... μιγίστης πόλεως. This signification arose seoin the circumstanee stat

S. Αἰτωλῶν. J See Pausan. B. V. c. I. - 'Αm,1.J There ivere inree cities os inis naine. The Asine here mentioned, lay to the solita-west of Cardamyle, here called by Herodotus to distinguissi it fro1n Cardanii/le in Arsolis. 9. Παρωριηται.J It appears stat ine Minyae istanged stella naine into Paroreatae, aster expelling tae Paroreatae and Caucones; indinat having hecorne Inasters of the country, i y butat inere sita toxvns.


Eleon in Boeotia, sto se nil an Athenian, and the third an Arcadian. Don1 ine city Caphye, as xve learn Dorn ine Seholiast on Aristoph. Pae. v. I 07 l. Let it not excite our surprase inat ste sather of historn in inis passage, iis xveli as in many oiners, sueti as S I 29; B. ix. 9 65, expresses his entire laesies in oraeles anil pri in es. In allages stere have been men distingitished sor steir learning, Iulio, neveri tres, mere unalite in rise in ali respeeta aliove steir contempor mes. Ivlaen current ideas change, strui nexu prejiuli res and superstitions testeste place of the old, me are api in Iaugh at anil despilae Our Predeces sora; largetting stat ure ourseives ΠIav he subjected in similar censure hy inose stat come aster ira. But ine piesent passage of Herinlotus aliosus, stat in his time illedire suere Hieru y uieta os a lem credulo us di position, ino upere disposed is eali in question many objecta os general

Henee me learn ine origin os an idioin, so frequently used bu ine Moderit Greeri. 9. Κατὰ σους Αἰακίδας ἀπαμησε. J See a ve, 6 66. LXXXIV. 2. Ἐπὶ πρύμνην ανικρούοντο.J Jul. POE. B. i. e. ix.

I XXXV. 4. Κατὰ τὰs Θιμισσοκλέονι ἐντολάς. J See 9 22. II. Εὐεργέτης βασιλιος ανεγράφη. J The names of sitissi as had done any service in the Ling vere registered. Me the letter of xe es in Pausanias Ling of Laee mon, Thum . B. i. 6 I 29. LXXXVII. IT. Νομισας.J Polyaenus, Stratas. B. viii. c. 53,9 I, relates, inat Artemisia. When on ino potui os bring overtisen, orderes ste mea to tesce do vn ste Persian eoloura froni lier vesset; a Dissiligo i by Cooste



XCII. S. Τὴν προφυλάσσουσαν. J See B. vii. 9 18 I. 10. V Πολυκριτος.J On stis occasion Polyeritus revenged himsesssor ine charge of savouring the Medes, whicli laeti l been made against

XCIV. G. 'Αρηναίης Σκιράδος.J Minerva tuas xvorshippia underctis nante at Salamis, Wisita in ancient times Was ealleci Seiras, Dorn a certain hero, as Strabo telis iis, B. ix.

correction in place of φ beatim, tolli Hiere, xvisita is found in ali ineΜSS. The result shexved that ine oracle ought in have been reail φρύξουσι, but is ine victory had been on the sule M ine bactariam, φρίξου Would have been necessary in orcler to reniter the oracle triae. And on account of this ambiguit of ine mores, Herodotus telis us stat το εἰρημένον ἐλελήgia πάντας σου; Ελληνας. A shni lar oracle is r


CIX. 2. Μισα ζαλών.J Changins his counsel. I S. Καί τις.J For και ἔκαστος. So also Soph. q. v. 215, ῶeασιν ηδη κάρα καλύμμασι κρυψάμενον. CX. v. Σίκιννος ο οἰκέτης αυσιs. J Sicinnus hid stlso, on a previous occasion, been sent to the Peisian generitis; see S 75.10. Emμψέ μa.J Plutarch, in his Lise of Themistocles, relates this


e fiud σου Εὐνόμου, σου Πολυδέκσιος, hut inis reaeding has certainlyoriginaled in a fauit of the transeribere. Plutares, in his Lise of Lycurllus, rad Patraantas, B. u. e. G, read σου Πολυδέκτεος, τούΕὐνόμου. Besides stis, me may conareture inat Polydectes Was fasteros Charilius, horn What is inid also by Strabo, B. x. ἀδελφος ἔν

doubi is erronisus, and which most probably omes iis existente in inetranseribera, Who nustook Z sor B . For it is veli known stat -- nares, Agesilaus, Hippoeratides, Leotνehides, Anaxitatis, Archidamus arid Anaxandrides, were never Lings of Sparta. Herodotus mentio steir names, as it would appear, is order to fhew reeir si age, and toprove ine right of Leotyehides to ste throne. Pausanias and Plutarch eontent inelnselves Ma giving ine genealogy os ine vings, vid ter Theopompus iney place Zeuxidainus his grandson, Anazi m ιε,

Demara tua his son and heir; asterivards eomes Leotychides ste sonos Menares, concerising Whona, sis B. vi. S 65, TI.12. Καὶ τῶν πέντε τῶν ὐασάσων. J The addition os inese Word wHeh I have put Wi inin bracteis, and Which are manting ta ine com-niou tot, appears to me absolutely necessary, b ause Aristodemus, Aristomachus, Cleoctieus, Hyllus, and Hercules, mere not kings of


S. Atas. J Aba, aeity fainous sor an oracle of Apollo, Whicli evenooestra sent to consuli, Me B. i. 9 46. Stephanus Βνaantinus stiri stat ste oracle of AME Was more ancient stan stat os Delpes.

CXXXV. 4. Πτώον. J Concerning this temple, sea Plutarch sLinra, Pelopidas; and Pausanias, B. ix. c. 23. 5. Κωπαῖδος λίμνη s. J Liae Coptiis, rimxv called ine Lahe of Liva-dia, samous in ancient titiles sor ita eeis. See Aristoph. Lysistr. v. 35.

CXXXVI. 4. Γυγαίη J See B. V. 9 2I.

S. Πρόξενος. J Πρόζsνοι, οἱ προστάται πων πολεων, και φροντισταὶ, και

ξενιαις ὐποδεχόμενοι' Sur s. See also Ammonius, de Di . φαCXXXVII. S. Τημινολὶ Temenus suas descende 1 hom Her dea inrough Aristomachus in and when ine Heraclidae, aster iney beeamemasters of the Peloponnesus, dre v lota sor ine different ei ties, M pollodorus inserans us, B. si. e. viii. 9 4, Argos selli to Temenus; Laeedanion to Proeses and Eurysthenes, sons os Aristodemus ; Mul essene to Cresphontra.
