장음표시 사용
NOTES ON THEMSS., aloeough ste ove cor rection lira marty distinguished eritieson iis fide. XXII. S. Ἐν σοῖσι σπιισδε λόγοισι. J See ste genealogy of Perdiscas, anil in What manner he suas ressed in ine inrone of Macedonia, B. viii.
9. Κασίνιμι. 4 Construe inus : ἐς τὰς δέκα δὲ φυλὰς κατίνε μι καισους δήμους.
LXXI. S. Ἐκόμησι. J m entertained the proud idea, he conoeived in his mina the idea. 5. Tο ἄγαλμα. J of Minerva, probably.
sanias and Plutareh. Harmeratio says: Ναυκράρους το παλαισττους ασχοντας ἔλεγον, ὼς καὶ ἐν τῆ πέμπτη 'Heόδοτος δηλοῖ 'Αριστο- σέλης δ ὲ, 'Αρηναίων πολιτι, φησί' κατέστησαν δὲ δημάρχους την αὐτην aχονταs ἐπιμέλιιαν τοῖς πρότερον Ναυκράροις.
exception. xve have not ventured to remove it Dona the text. σα πραγματα, or some such Orci, must be Supplied after ἐκπεπολεμωσθαι, or
LXXV. 10. Τυνδαριδέων σον ἔτισον. J One of the two Tyndarida, Castor and Pollux. It is probabie ih.t inere svere images of these Diardians of Sparta, of Which each of ine livo kings earried one cong