The clouds of Aristophanes

발행: 1858년

분량: 258페이지


분류: 미분류



The comed a The night Was brought upo the stage B. C. 424. The corruptions of the ecclesia are exposed in viis iece, and the character of Cleon, rho appetiam sineos uae persons of the drama, is dra in villi onde ulpower. e is again hel up to ridicule in The V ps exhibite B C. 422), a drama vities oves a masteri undanosi amusing picture of the Athenia muris, and the passionis ille eopte se litigation These are the principalpassages in uae tactare bet Neen e poet an in dem

Fgue. Aristophanes is es t have vriue above siri come- dies, of vhicli eleve are extant Te of these belanguoine old comedy, and one, the Plutias, to the ne V. Besides thei poetica merita, the work os Aristophanesare of great historica value. e vas a conservative, strongi Opposeda the political, literary, and moria tenden-cies of his age. In the delineationis characters 11 used the ungemapulous exaggerations Ivliich vere common o allthe vriters of the ancient comedy. The ames of prominent men, Whether in politios, philosophy, or Oet , verebrought for vaes villa the most unlaesitatin Deedom, and



heir conduci: vas handled viti a severit that howe astitit rogaressor individua right and the latins o private character asos exhibited by the modern politica press. To the credit of Aristophanes it must be said that, With se. exceptions the individual selected by him for attach wero person deservin in reprobation es honest inen Theprincipes exception to this remari are Euripides and Socrates, especiali the lalter. o v far ille bitte sarcasInsupo Euripides utere austified by the influence of sorne finat poei's vritinga pon the morias of the age, it is impo sibi nox is determine tith a satisfactor degre o prob The conflici paged by Aristophanes against the sophista vaginem nocles importanee than ista, agninst the dem gogues. The comed of he Clouds, in Whicli the mainpoints of the contes are embodied is, O many rensons, one of the wst interestinguemians of the theatrical liter ture of Astens Though, Me ver oster come , iis urit turn upo locat an temporar relations ii has, plias is not

o it authos determine opposition to the ne visinical and philosophical vieius uiat per eatiniinto me ver lieari ofuae nationes virtues. The Peloponnesian war in soreight years been desolatinisteriai field of Greece; a var

For a discussion of the relatio bet peen Aristophanes and thomost eminent of his contemporaries se Misches Aristophanes undaein Zoiialter,ip. 212 94.




Fritsche, hoWever, 1 os opinion stat in first Cloues v materiali different in tho play a rate no have it an statino alter, uritie in bring contemptopon Socrates V M neVerrepresented in consequence of a reconciliatio brought about be--een the poet an in philosopher Se Quaestiones Aristophaneae De Socrate Veterorum Comicorum Dissertatio, p. 99, seqq. . The argumentarior iliis opinion, though ingenious, are notionclusiVe


It is very unsortunate so the fame of Aristophanes thath selecte Socrates a the type an representative of the sophisis Littit could he imagine the effect this vas destinedis have pon his reputation formian centuries Litue Oi1Mli serese that the storie repeate by Elian vould beatio ve to tarnisi his name, untd the learning and sagacityo modern critica liould redeem it fron the Utter reproacho havin caused the deat of the obtest mani his age. We cannot hel regrettin and condemning the poet' mis-t en hoice of Socrates for the hie personage in theplay Ive ius censure the vanionnes of the attach pon


tationis in comed lita an further effect upo the reputation o Socrates stan to connect in the popular Inhid, sorne ludicrous associations vitia his naine, an perhaps tostrengine the rejudices semente against hirn by his en Inies an essec certain boo be lamented biit noto laechamedispo the poetis a proo of seived malimuri and of the iliabolicat intent tu bring the greatest an best of the Athenians to the hemioch. It must be remembered, t , ut Socrates tas notu allo his contemporaries illisa hecis o s. e vas chamed by Ome vitii e common vices of his age; Don uua charge, hoWever, the Memorabiliam Xenophon ampi vim dicates him. There are three principat delineations os Socrates Whicli liave mine don to us. In an historiciapoint of vie V, thememorabilia o Xenophon contians emos important an authentic. The principies of in great inacher re, o doulat, here recorde Willi fideli . The Socrates of the Platonic Dialogues probabi unites sitiin theanain eatures os a trullisu representation man fictilious delatis. He is, in many Oinis, o be remesedis araramati character, through ithom Plato intende to conveyliis Wn opinions, Vithout however, pultin into his mouthan sentiment strono a Variance Rith ste vell-kno vn



Socrates os Plato 1 ono fruae mos oriones an Inasterly creations o genius laxit it is impossibi to ravg the lino here bet veen the Amun and the mahrheia The 1Μrepresentation is that vilici has been hande down by themmi poet, the Socrates os the ancient comedians. Thischaracter is parti historica an parti fictilious Thais Socrates reali occupie himself xvii the investigations of the physica philosophers, in the early part of his life anda valled himself os ste teachings of e sophisis, is undotibi eis triae biat he renounced an opposed them, the momenthis piercing intellec discerne the hollo vnes of their pr

marhed by peculiarities that naturali laid him open to sto

sarcasIns of the comi poets and the attacts of his ene1nies. The singularit os his appearance andra re the proseundabstractio into vilici he occasionali fell, in spite of his osterWis eminenti practica character, an notWithstand- in the earles bravery rilli hicli, vidie Occasion assed, he me in dangers of var, and the stili more formidabledanger of the ardor civium prava Iubentium. a II henhe appene to be resident se the da of the assem ab that trie the generias uter ille batile of Arginousae heldout great temptation to the ungcrapulous Satirisis via possesse the public ear. It reatly seenis asci he occasionalty iu an antic humor on. 'rior the pia Rem mahing people


. Besides these facis, it natis hae remembere stat Socrates spinthis time, o in the ossicia semico os in stat e biit in rande gabout tho street an public places of the oly, o dis ursing missi artisans in me moris iops m Was solio vel by crovida fuistenera, Who attache siemselves to Uni somerior the falce of being instincted by his vis Ioni, ouior dram by the attractions of lus incomparabie vit. His Nise and childre mero Iost in a great me uim to thenseselves sor, suiu in spirit os a genuino Greeh, Socrates place steearos an duties of domestic lis in me bachoound a least a compared villi Inodem Christia vis r of the duites involvod in ste rei tions of home. et in his mauer, Socrates acte on a deliberalelysorine uetermination to consecrate his life disinterestedi to thoteaching of the trum. ruis conductona not in umbe compared to



A ste time vhen Aristophanes composed The Clouds, no doub Socrates ova generali regatae by in comic

inat o Howar an 'Utilisfield. t v ould seein fron in testimonyo the ancients ilia Xanthippe had adteene gens stan most os lier eountiγ vomen of the natura rights of her sex, and vas no exactior pleased viti the philosophi manne in Wiach lier lor indisiasterspent his time. orno ioderit scholar limo attemptexto Vindicato her froin the charge of bein a commori scol 1, v hic has made hernam a by- vore. They have ho Vn satisfactorit) stat sues anecdotes as statis her uiro ving a esse of Water po ui hcad of Socrates, an his reply that e must alWnys expect raIn uter hunder, - of heri ipsettiniste table, he he brought horne an nexpecte guestio diriner, - an a good many the like specimens of temagan , are the ossipin inventions os later riters. The nos favorino decision ve an adopi ho ever, ponis candi considerationis authe circumstances of the casei Xanthippe is that he di Lam times scolo, but stat it Iras pro causa. Among the philosopher of me later Peripatetic school, in character of Socrates vas greatlv malignei Some of sto Christiari sathersunscrupulotist adopte in calumnies of his enervies, and apparentlythirucing that austice to ard a mere Ioathen vas notis ChristianVIrtue, Sometimes very absurdi exagmrate them Theodoret Serino XII. 3, in contrastin the virtuos of pagan philosophera vvissin Christian se gives a preti accurate description o Socrates. Σωκράνη των vi σύμ ν δ κορωραῖος, καὶ τως γυμνασίοις - τως ἐργαστηρίοις invγ5μενος δατελα, .... κῶ πο- μεν ἐν στει διέτριβ' τε δ εἰς I at κατιών, τὰ πομπὰς ἐθεώρει, κά τῶς ὁπλίταις δὲ


Wives at once, Xanthippe and Myrto, Wist ri hos quareel he vas accustome to ainus himself. χυται δε συνάπτουσα μάχην προς ληας, ἐπειων, σαιντο ἐπὶ τον Σωκρώτην -- διὰ λυ μηδέποτε αὐτὰς μαχομένας δαμώλυειν, γελαν cisa 4λληλως - αυτ μαχομνως δρωντα. 'oliis is undoulato Ity in raptu description but it has nottho lightos foumlationi sact. yrto vas a daugliter of Aristides,to Whom in lier poverty, Socrates lia rendere assistance Her am, is nothin else, gives sto licto in patristic scam1M. Lugac homover De Socrate Cive, p. 7ὶ thiniis stat Myrto, rhoin he describesas Aristidis Iusti sanguis prognatam, rara the fimi Wis of Socrates; biit inis opinio seenis unsupported by an suffcient authori . The consenting voices os succeedin generations have pronouncedine character of Socrates tori e the highest an pures of ali antiqui . Tlio tristin sotiaos, i fo1Nes the were, ultici lai hirn ope to theridicule of the comi poeta, have hadiso effect in diminishingtoreverence rith Miles ali mo me consecrate his memorγ. The univerea opinion is vel expressed by Meiners. Me is distinguis recthon many of the mos celebrates me by the laci, that ho appearathe more vorthyi reverenc the more inoroughlydie is lino mi andine more deepi We penetrate into his life and character Ioen ve conside lio su degenerate philosoplinhad laeconi sinen Socrates discovere the mitti, and lio' compi the eopte an ong vlion heta 1ght heavenly Ivisdona, o murmithout pay but in in midat os incessant persecution and tanguris deaui, it is dissicut notrio bellovo that he vras enlightene an sorine by chigher spirit, or at least, that he vas sent by Providence exacu at ille time viten the eoplemos neede sues a inacher Socrates no only augiit Virtuo, biit pracused it an his vliolo lis vras purei and Dee fron saviis uian his philosophyaroni errore. In ali Greel and Roma antiqui , I know of no ne rhose conduci vas o irreproachme anx vorii Ofinitation, and ullos character ras a complete in ali respecta, s