The clouds of Aristophanes

발행: 1858년

분량: 258페이지


분류: 미분류


style into other ilia iste sophistica circles It is sarciminutonderiti ista the me had notae learned to distinguislibetween him an inem istat he stili considered Socrates obe me ver persectio of the sophistica character, and uini he was ted into the mistis of hesdin v to reprobation


xvi PREFACE. the were ometimes togester Line symposia Whicli Plato and Xenophon have immortaliκed. At least the are both represente by Plato a talcin pari in in discussion ofth Baiuiuet. What Inus have been in conversationis a supper-pari made u of suci me a Socrates, Plato, Xenophon, an Aristoplianes ha brassian wi and heen reparte then laot vitia electri speed DOin uestrioguest Vliat splendor os languam What depulis mought, vita beati imagery, What Vernow of poetic illustration, Iulia play of frolic ancy, spariae mundi sesuve 1 Oard ovispariclinguli Grecian vinet The reuines of the genius of Aristophanes is no generali appreciated an in value of his comedies, as illustrations of iste politica antiquities, the se, morias, and manners of Athens, is no fuit undet stood. The trulla is, ve are in lebi e to iam for information pon the worhingo the Atti institutions, vilicia laad ali his play been lost, ve Aliould have viani Aought for in the work of other authors. Villi hiat boldnes an vigor does he ketch uiatmanydieade despot ille Demos of Athensi vitii phia taustere truth does h dra v the character of ste Atheniandemugogue, an in litui the demagoguem ali times Howapany ays of licti are oured rom his comedies pon epopular an audicia tribunias, the assentiates in the Pnyx, the Senate, and the Heliastic cotiris No intelligent reade can doub that Aristophanes vas a mun f the most proseund acquaintance vitia the politica institutions of his age no reader o poetic sane cun ait o se iliat he possesse an extraordinar creative genius. It is impossibioto stud his Works attentively, ivithout seeling that his


instincta viui se an sal into ei proper places at hisbid ling. At ne moment te is revellin in in Wildest mirua, and the nexi te is sweeping through thera uestregionis lyrica inspiration, but the language neve breahadown under his adventumus flicti. But at is noto b dente stat Aristophanes is ostencoarge an indecent. Some of his play are quite unfitto have a place in an scheme o classica reading Thisis noto lae pardone to the age in Whicli ho Ved nor


The ex of this editionis The Cloud is ponte Dom


Dindoin Poetae Scenici Graeci. In om sev si Sages, the readin s o Hermann have been preserred. In the preparatio of the Notes, the labor of others have been Deely used particularly uae elegant commentaries of istas eminetit Hellenisi, r. Μitcheli, whos editions of the separate comedies, notivillistandin occasionia reor in minute potnt of Greel Grammar, ire an honor to En sit schola ship. Bothe' edition has been ound valvaiae in many respecta though his explanations are ometimes sancisul, and the liberties he has talcen suilla the ex are osten rasti, and his condectures indefensiule.

The selectoragedies edite by resident Golse os le College have done not a litu to awalcen an extenda mate forme vork of Eschylus, Sophocles, and Euri' ides It is iope that the ne v an engrossin duties fui ossico vhicli te no v filla, villa o much benefit to the College, vili not illidras hin fron the morite studies of his ouili The present comed is ostere to the loversos e classic theatre, is an uste iece to thos excellent

C. C. F.

ses ad sitions have been made to the notes and illustrations of this edition. Some of the material have beendrasu fron the editos persona observations in Greecerothera are draivn fron in curious analogies of the fossies


Q C. F.


δραμα et των ωφiλῶν κατὰ Σωκράrους γεγραπται του φιλοσοφου ἐπιrηδε ώς κακοδιδασκαλουντος τοἰς νέους Αθηνησι, των κωμικων προς τους φιλοσόφους εχόντων τινα αντιλογίαν ου, ως τινες, δι' Ἀρχέλαον ον-ακεδόνων βασιλία, τι πρου- κρινεν auro Ἀριστοφάνους. ' χορος δε ο κωμικος εἰσηνεrο ἐν τη ρχηστρα τέ νυν λεγομένω λογεω κά οr μεν προς ους υποκριτὰς διελέγετο, εις την σκηνην ἐωρα ' τε δε απελθόντων των ποκριτων του αναπαιστους διεξ Ιει, προς το δημον απε- στρεφεro καὶ τουτο ἐκαλεῖτο στροφη. II δε et ἰαμβεια et τραμετρα Εἶτα την αντιστροφον ποδοντες, πάλιν τετράμετρονεπελεγον ἴσων στίχων Πν δε περι et πλεῖστον E. 1καλεῖrοδε ταυτα ἐπιρρηματα , δε ολ πάροδος του χορου καλε7rοπαράβασις. Ἀριστοφάνης ν Ἱππευσιν, - μεν τις ανηρ των αρχαίων κωμωδοδιδάσκαλος, λημῶς 'Πνάγκαζε λέωντας ἔπη προς το θέατρον παραβηναι,


Φασὶ τονἈριστοφανην γράψαι τα πιφέλας ναγκασθέντα uno υνυro καὶ Μελητου, να διασκέφαιντο ποῖοι ιπις εν Αθηνάῖοι κατὰ Σωκράτους ἀκούονrες Πυλα υντο γαρ τε πολλον εῖχεν ἐρασrάς, και μάλιστα τους περὶ 'Aλκιβιάδην, a καὶ ἐπὶ του δράματος τούτου μηδἐ νικῆσαι Ποίησαν τον ποιητην. ὁ πρόλογός ἐστι των πεφελων ἄρμοδιωταet καὶ δεξιωταἔμπυγκεἰμενος Πρεσβυrης γαρ ἐστιν αγροικος χθόμενος παιδὶαστικοὐ φρονηματος γέμοντι κά της επενείας εἰς πολυrελειαναπολελαυκότι. Π γαρ των Αλκμαιωνιδῶν οἰκία, θεν ν το προς μητρος γένος ο μειρακίσκος, ε ἀπης, ως φησιν Ηρόδοrος, τεθριπποrρόφος ην, και πολλὰς νηρημένη νίκας, τὰς μεν ολυμπίασι τα δε Πυθοῖ, ἐνως δε μυῶ καὶ πιμέα καὶ ἐν λλοις

αγῶσιν. υδοκιμουσαν Ουν ορων ὁ νεανίσκος ἀπέκλινε προς τοησος των προς μητρος προγονων.

Πρεσβυτης τις δερεφιάδης π δαε εἴων καΤαπονουμενος διατην ἱπποτροφων του παιδός, δεῖται τούτου, φοιτησαντα ς ον Σωκράτην μαθεῖν o ηττονα λόγον ει πως δύναιτο α δικαλέγων ἐν τοι δικαστηρίω τον χρηστας νικα κά μηδενὶ των δανεισrῶν μηδεν ποδουναι. O βουλομένου δε ο μειρακί σκου, διαγνους αυτος ἐλθὼν μανθάνειν, μαθηrην του Σωκράτους

ἐκκαλέσας τινὰ διαλέγεται. Ἐκλυθείσης δε της διαrριβης, ἔδεε μαθηταὶ κυκλω καθημενοι πιναροὶ συνορῶνται καὶ αυτος ὁ Σωκράτης ἐπὶ κρεμάθρας αἰωρούμενος καὶ ποσκοπῶν τὰ μετέωραθεωρεῖται. μετὰ ταυτα τελεῖ παραλαβών τον πρεσβυτην, καὶ τους νομιζομένους παρ' υτ δεούς, ψα, προσέτι δε κά Aia θέρα καὶ πεφέλας κατακαλεῖται. Προς δε την ευχην εἰσεπον-