장음표시 사용
INTRODUCTIONl ut also on iis responsibilities. As Bishop Gore has Maeli saidy: Chrysostom is emphatic in asserting that orti 1 oxy is os no avail to justisy a Christian NHyuntess iis praesthood is secured by Proper oratination. But is he inus sheius himself to be alive to the spiritualdigni of the praesthood, in virtve allice of iis sacrificialand of iis judiciat potvers, he is emtassy alive to ita responsibility for individual fouis, laying immense streSSon the necesSity sor Consideraten S, sor gentie and patient selLadaptation to the disserent charactem and needS and wealcnesses of men, whether of high or lo vestate.'
b) The Doctrine of the μθ Eucharist.
Uilli regard to Choesostoni's doctrine of the Ein marist, there has been nauch discussion as to whether Certain Passages in the de sacerdotio favour, or do not savour, thedoctrine os Transubstantiation. Thus, sor eXample, hesayS to each of those present at the Eucharast: thou semi
Standing over the sacrifice and praying, alui ali around)reddened with His precious Blood. . . . Fle that sits above villi the Father is at ille sanie tinae held in otir handS, and susters Himself to be held and clasped by ali ivlio ivisti Chrysostona taught that there ivas complete identityi os the consecrated elements with the Body and Blood os Christ. But this language, alike in the passage just
receive, are the Body anci Blood os Christ, they ineanthis not in any physica or carmat way, but Spiritualiy, Sacramentally, Divinely, mystical ly, ininably, throughthe operation of the word os Christ and of God the Holy Ghost. But in this meaning they do speak of theo ective presence of the Body and Blood os Christ as
tiation have been effectively ans vered by Cosin, Bishopos Dumana froni I 66O to I 672. Ve deny not. he says, A that sonte things emphatical and even hypeimolicat have been said of the Sacrament by Chrysostona, and
INTRODUCTIONSorne others: and that those things may eastly leadian vary men into error. That was the ancient sathers' Care, as it is ours stili, to instriaci the peopte not to lookbarely on the otii vard elemenis, hiat in them to eye with
tarther than the elements. Hence it is that those holymen, the better to leach this tesson to theu hearers, and move there hearis more efficaciotisty, spake os the signf
said many things which ivili not bear a literat sense, nora strict eκamen 2 And COSin cites the passage quotedabove Dona the de sacerdotio as an example of Auch rhetorical eκ pressions on the subject of the Sacri ment.
possibie to suppose that otherS RISO Rre, e.g. τεθυμένον και κείμενον, περιπτυξασθαι και περιλαβεῖν. Finalty,
INTRODUCTIONIn regard to Consession, Chrysostona taught that it might be macie either diately, to the praest, Or in1- mediately to God. Confession to the praest is iniplied in the de sacerdotio , consession to God is alliided to in Othier ivritings: for eXample, the de incomprehensibili Dei
de incomprehentibili D. n. v C γὰρ θέατριν σε ἄγω των συνδούλων των σων, οὐδε ἐκκαλύψαι τοis ἁνθρίποις ἀναγκάζω τὰ αμαρτήματα το συνειδος ἀνάπτυξον ἔμπροσθεν του θεοῖ, και αὐτὐ δεῖξον τὰ τραύματα, καὶ παρ αὐτου τὰ φάρμακα αἴτησαι. - de sac. iii 5 ἄπερ dν ἐπιάσωνται κάτω οἱ lenis φλ. quoted above P. xii n. 53. Chrysostom Seenis to talce sor granted the justice of the praestly acis referred to, and does not mean to CoII1Πut God to a compulsory submission to may have an ii usi sacerilotat act. See
practice whicli he occasionalty adopted os employingimperiat decrees for the coercion os heretiCS and pagans .
nexion is the metropolitan: avitia hina, in ali probabilis y, vere associaled Sonae of the Comprovinciat bishops. v. Place of Ordination. The consecration os Basiltook place in Antioch . Froin iliis ive may inser that Basirs see lay within the province which had as iis metropolitan the Bishop os Antioch: sor at this timethe metropolitan see os a province was uSualty the placeos ordination os bishops ivliose sees seli xvii hin that province. This has a bearing on the question which
is discussed in s to the identity of the Basil of thie
uvllicli deposition is based in this passage Seein to belliose generat ira egularities whicli affected ali clergy, and theresore inclusively bishops alSo: Ive may note that the 3 8th Apostolic Canon deposes sor negligen Ce
τ) The inconae and offerings of the citurcii, and iis alnis, vere in the first instance under the disposition os